03-5613 0078
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cookies and Cream Cheese Cake Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse Egg Mayo Sandwich Iced Chocolate
Review (6)
Level1 2016-05-22
我是为了猫才去,但没想到要点饮料才能进猫区,我和一群朋友去,所以点了一些咖啡,饮料和意大利面,但咖啡一点都不好喝 太苦 一点都不顺 , Ice lemon tea 也不好喝太谈很像药味,spaghetti 没味也没一点肉 😱 一杯咖啡要Rm15,意大利面要Rm14。但后悔了,但没关系 。我还以为猫可以补偿损失 可是猫一点都不活泼,有点无聊。 但猫还是可爱。要来的人要做好心理准备 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-05-22
Bad Taste, Expensive, 宝宝下次再也不来了 但宝宝不说 吸引到的就只有猫猫可爱 但是需要买一杯12块钱以上的咖啡才能进去不值得再来 Not much choice to pick, their carbonara is not what we'r expected and its not fresh, took out from the fridge heated with hot water, the coffee here not special and not good... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-01-16
It came as a pleasant surprise a cat-themed cafe has sprouted up at the SS15 neighbourhood of Subang Jaya. Good news to all cat lovers!Home to 8 adorable cats, Coffee Cottage has three split area: opening area for smoking, dining area and lastly cat area. Each customer must order at least one drink as a pass to go in the cat area. Feel free to play with the cats, but do remember to sanitize your hands before and after you go in the cat area.A very warm and cosy place. Nice place to hang out with friends.Just some rules and regulations.From the menu we can see that the café provide a wide range of foods and drinks.Just like any other café, the provide varieties of cakes.Ultimately, I would say the cats are the biggest attractions here. Foods and drinks are so so. Just a kind reminder beverages are allowed to bring into the cat area, but no food would be allowed to bring inside. According to the café owner the smells of foods might attract the cats. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-16
最近宠物咖啡店频频冒出头,继上回介绍过超火热的 The Huskitory,今天我们来到另一家以猫咪挂帅的咖啡馆 - Coffee Cottage。老实说,我不怎么喜欢猫,总觉得猫猫很高傲,不像狗狗那么热情和好玩。话虽如此,当我得知 SS15 有一家猫猫咖啡馆之后,便立刻想带爱猫的某人来开开眼界,也想给个机会自己去和猫猫亲近一下,说不定我会爱上它呢~Coffee Cottage 的招牌是一个可爱的黄色猫猫,从远处就可以看得到了。店面位于一楼的位置,里面的装潢很简单,也许是因为上门的顾客都是为了猫猫而来的,所以也不会去在意到底装潢有多漂亮。咖啡馆分成前后两个部份,前面是柜台、吧台和普通的座位,后面间隔的部份则是猫猫活动的地方。每位顾客需要至少点一杯饮料,才可以进入猫猫的区域和它们近距离接触了。我们打算先吃喝完毕,才进去和猫猫玩,毕竟猫猫喜欢跳到桌子上,打翻了咖啡就不好了。而且食物是不被允许带进去猫猫区的,因为担心它们误食了人类的食物而生病。(上)Hot latte - RM11,(下)Green tea latte - RM13点了一杯 hot latte,我想这是我近期喝过最烂的一杯咖啡了。咖啡带苦味,口感不顺滑,奶味也不够,而且很稀薄的感觉。某人的 green tea latte 也不合格,奶太多了,咽下一口之后还会有茶叶回甘的味道。我知道这里主打的是可以和猫猫近距离接触,但至少在饮料方面也不能太马虎吧? French brownie with ice cream - RM14除了咖啡,这里还有少量的甜点和主食。我点了一份 french brownie with ice cream。布朗尼是温热的,上面放了一大球的香草雪糕和杏仁片。雪糕不够香滑,还好布朗尼还不错,口感是比较扎实和湿润的,有浓浓的巧克力味,里面还放了果仁增加口感,今天唯一比较满意的就是这一个了。吃完过后,是时候去见见猫咪了。这里一共有八只猫猫,有半数在睡觉。门口有放了一些铃铛和其他道具,让顾客可以用小道具去逗猫咪玩。这好像是我第一次亲手去摸猫猫咧~它们都会很乖地任由你摸,不过就不会有任何反应就对了,还是狗狗比较会互动啦!猫猫随时随地都是一个优雅的 pose,要和它们拍照一点都不难。这一个我第一眼看到它就觉得它很像 Garfield,后来才发现它的名字真的叫 Garfield 耶!好吧~我必须承认在这里待了超过半小时,我还是没有爱上猫猫。不过有不少爱猫人士都喜欢上来这里,和猫猫渡过一个慵懒的下午。如果你也喜欢猫猫的话,可以考虑来这里看看哦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-06
Feline frenzy is flourishing in Subang, where the Klang Valley now has another cat cafe ... ... this one combined with a full-blown coffee bar. As Coffee Cottage's tagline proclaims, get cat-feinated!The cakes showcase a welcome push for distinctiveness; temptations include a salted caramel banana cake & raspberry-tinged red velvet. Our slices came out over-chilled though.Coffee Cottage's friendly owners are still working out what their house blend will be, but they're off to a satisfying start. No complaints about the espresso & the soy milk latte. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)