Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Take Away
Accepts reservations
Alcohol served
Smoking Section
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken Katsu Rice Ikura Salmon Sashimi Pasta Kaki Kimuchi Pasta Kani Avocado
Review (31)
Level2 2014-01-12
Fried Squid Tentacles 炸鱿鱼须 RM16如果你觉得,油炸物一定都是油油干干的,那你就错了!!这一盘炸鱿鱼须绝对会让你从此改观!鱿鱼须外皮很薄,每一口都是 “卡滋卡滋” 的酥脆呀!肉质也太鲜美多汁了!而且,如果你太迟去,这个很快就卖光了哦!Grilled Surume Squid 烤鱿鱼 RM16其实这个烤鱿鱼还算不错的,但是比跟上面的炸鱿鱼就……哈哈!吃鱿鱼,最讨厌的情况就是咬不断,咬到嘴巴都累死了还没咬好……他们的烤鱿鱼或炸鱿鱼都没有这个问题哦!Mini Teriyaki Grilled Chicken Pasta 我的温泉蛋在上桌的时候就破了~ 它太脆弱了~~ 黑胡椒是我自己撒上去的~这个也很好吃~ 照烧酱甜甜的,鸡肉烤得外皮酥脆,也不油腻!我个人喜欢把蛋汁跟鸡肉的照烧汁一起拌匀在吃~Mini Tempura Prawn with Sesame Sauce Pasta这个意大利面跟平时我们吃的,不同在酱料,这个是芝麻酱哦~ 味道很特别!很香~ 我们平时吃的都是配番茄酱或蘑菇酱~ 这个就别有一番风味,值得一试!Mini Scallop Pizza基本上所有的日式披萨,饼皮用这种脆皮的。材料由扇贝和几种蘑菇组成,淋上适量的美乃滋,用番茄酱铺底,再撒上葱花!简直是完美的搭配!可惜的是那个扇贝有点太小片了,不够过瘾呢…Mini Seafood Pasta with Tomato Sauce 这个看起来跟菜单的图片有点出入… 味道就跟普通海鲜番茄酱意大利面差不多,料也很少呢…Mini Teriyaki Grilled Chicken Omelette Garlic Rice这个也是其中一个我最爱的食物!这个蛋包饭用的照烧烤鸡跟上面那盘意大利面的是一样的~~外层的蛋很厚,不是普通薄薄的蛋皮…里面的炒饭也很香…其实我不觉得他有蒜头味…Mini Teriyaki Grilled Chicken Pizza 这个披萨里面有照烧烤鸡、温泉蛋跟紫菜。可惜我的温泉蛋被紫菜们给遮住了~首先要弄破那个温泉蛋!让饼皮沾了点蛋汁才吃,口感更好!但是,弄破那个温泉蛋过后,要尽快吃完哦~ 不然当饼皮都吸满了蛋汁,软去了就有点麻烦吃… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-19
Scallop lover will be excited with this hotate teriyaki. Fresh scallops nicely grilled on skewers, and teriyaki sauce nicely masked any fishy flavour from the scallop if there is any. The texture is great, making this a perfect starter. Chewing on this is really enjoyable. And this serving sells at RM 12 so I supposed it is pretty reasonable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-17
japanese taufu is the best option out of the menu here in pasta zanmai and i like this dining area which is good place to gathering here and just have the comfortable dinner here during weekends. but parking is really hard to find during weekends in midvalley. i try the smooth japanese white taufu. very nice and nutrition meal to try on for dinner here and i like the taste continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-09
tempura pasta had two prawnsthe prawns are not that big but their freshthe trick is to eat the tempura as soon as you canbecause the pasta has a little bit of gravy which reminds me of thickened miso sauceso if the prawns stay too long in the sauce it will get soggy and it wouldn't taste nice anymorethe pasta at this restaurant are always cooked al dente so it has a good bite to it continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-06
Omg, this was heavenly! I ate this on an empty stomach for breakfast. This was thinly sliced such that it becomes bite size, easier for me to put the whole thing inside my mouth. You've got to eat this with soy sauce and wasabi to bring out the freshness of the raw fish. Oh, and of course, never forget some lemon juice as well! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)