03-2785 8000
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 18:00
18:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
15:00 - 18:00
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Chicken Rice Balls East India Cocktail Hainanese Chicken Chop Mulligatawny
Review (3)
馬來西亞五星級Majestic Hotel內Colonial Cafe的英式下午茶,令人留下深刻印象。一進店內,古雅優美的環境與不斷流淌的鋼琴琴聲,讓我彷彿身處皇宮的擁躉情懷。而高雅優美的下午茶擺盤,更令人欣喜不已。尤其Colonial Cafe的鹹點,令人直呼驚艷。以當地悠揚的香料為基底,烹調出的不同款式的點心,帶來活力十足的香辣滋味,彷彿置身馬來美食天地。而甜點意外地也別有洞天,聽聞之前的人都讚不絕口。總括而言,Colonial Cafe的下午茶匠心營造出的氛圍及美饌,確實讓人感受到高質素的英式下午茶中轉化出的具馬來西亞的特色味道。一定要到Majestic Hotel現場一嚐,相信定能令您留下難忘的回憶!🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The Majestic Hotel中文名叫大华酒店,对于喜爱司康的朋友来说那真是福音了,因为他家的司康做的很好吃。在酒店的二层走进去便可以看到网红餐厅THE ORCHID CONSERVATORY,顾名思义,你是坐在兰花的花室吃下午茶的,可以尽情享受花的清香,而且这些都不是假花喔,为了保持花的活力,空调的温度也是特别低,其实酒店餐厅对于环境的要求很高,他们不允许12岁以下的小朋友在花房里就餐,所以我们这次只能含泪放弃花房,如果运气好的话,在就餐结束时花房刚好在清洁的话,是可以进去拍照的喔。有小朋友的话就只能在COLONIAL CAFE用餐,而且不能坐在离钢琴很近的位置,就是我们如图这个角落里~~不过这边有自己的小空间我觉得更舒服些。(好吧其实我有社交恐惧症哈哈)下午茶的价格比起晚餐那真是实惠好多,难怪要提前预定,临时来的话多半是没有座位的,建议提前2-3天预定,花房的话要提前更久,花房周末的话甚至要提前1-2个月!如果不是特别想拍照,花房的性价比也没那么高,和COLONIAL CAFE是一样的食物,但是价格要贵将近一倍(文章最末会介绍)。下面来介绍下他们三层架上的品种啦~~烤苹果奶酥,巧克力夹心蛋糕,柠檬cupcake,混合水果蛋挞,司康,蝦三明治,土耳其三明治,鸡蛋三明治,三文鱼三明治和vege。看起来不是很多,但是吃完后真的晚饭都可以不吃了。。关键是在吉隆坡的大华价格真的很公道,工作日每位60令吉,周末70令吉,花房分别是110和120令吉。绝对是闺蜜聚会的好去处~~~好啦今天就介绍到这里啦,下次盐小粒再介绍些吉隆坡美食和商场和亲子娱乐给大家啦~~拜拜~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-12-05
They don't make 'em like this anymore: Furnishing a contemporary hotel with colonial history, this Majestic establishment is suffused with a sumptuous sense of nostalgia, evoking an era that's steadily inching out of living memory.Colonial Cafe's dining chamber, with its warm timber notes, leather chairs & white tablecloths, has stateliness to spare, but eagle-eyed customers will note there's also something of an atrium out back, blessed with sunlight streaming from a skylight.True to the setting, the menu revisits classics like old-fashioned faggots (RM75++), a hearty, savory British winter warmer, made with minced beef, lamb & potentially some offal, paired with wild mushroom mash & mace-infused sauce.Hometown fare: Malacca's chicken rice balls, a highlight of the Hainanese-dominated menu here.Flagrantly fragrant rice, prepared painstakingly in small batches daily, with poached chicken that's smooth & succulent, plus soup & impeccable house-made condiments of chili & garlic. There's a 'but' nonetheless: this costs RM55++.Mulligatawny (RM45++), reputedly once comfort food for employees of the East India Company. Colonial Cafe's curried lentil broth bears the telltale hallmarks of dahl.Code 55 & 2 Bulat (shandy, gin, whiskey), a mixture that hearkens back to what happened here at The Majestic's location decades ago, when a mix-up over a Colt 55 & two bullets helped to prevent potential bloodshed (it's a long story).East India Cocktail (cognac, maraschino liquor, cointreau, raspberry syrup, angostura bitters). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)