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Signature Dishes
Four Heavenly Kings Ginseng Chicken Guinness Spareribs
Review (8)
Level2 2021-08-29
Really enjoyed the food from the hawker stalls during the day time. Some of my favorite food from the hawker stalls have to be the pork ball noodles, pan mee & the chicken rice. Prices for the food are also pretty reasonable as well. The only down side is that parking can be a problem when choosing to dine in here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-19
This restaurant came recommended from a friend so we thought of trying it one night since we were around the area. We arrived a little after dinner time and to our surprise, there was quite a crowd there already. So we automatically assume that the food would be very good. However service was kind of bad - but I am giving them the benefit of a doubt since the crowd was rather overwhelming. Especially for a restaurant their size. But still, it took all of us five minutes each to catch a waiter's attention. When we finally got someone to take our order, we just speed ordered cause all of us were dying of hunger already.I specially ordered the Salted Egg fried Pumpkin. This dish is supposedly a favourite of mine bcause I've had it elsewhere and it's just super delicious, plus I can never say no to salted egg yolk anything. However it wasn't as good as I expected cause there was not much salted egg yolk flavour and the pumpkin was still hard, although mostly crispy on the outside from being deep fried. Everyone else liked it but personally was not really that good to me. Just for something to munch on before the actual food arrived, we got the chicken feet kerabu salad. It was just as one would expect it to be - cold, crunchy, spicy and sour. Though honestly there isn't much to shout about this dish except it was good enough to keep us sated before the food arrived. Then finally the main dish arrived and it was the bean paste steamed tilapia. My favourite way of having fresh fish is steamed and most of the time is with this seasoning. Although the first two dishes were only so-so, the fish was surprisingly good. The meat was nice & juicy especially the cheeks which I attacked before anyone else got the chance to.Out of everything we tried from them, I liked the fish the most and would happily go back just to have it again. However I will consider that only because of the crowd & somewhat subpar service.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-25
别看这饭店有点旧旧的样子,他的顾客还蛮多的咧,我们来到这里吃晚餐,如果再迟一点的话就要等位子了,一如往常的点了几道菜,这里要推介的是他们的咕噜肉,可能我较喜欢脆点的,所以他们的就很合我的口味,味道也不错,甜甜酸酸的很开胃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-17
Thai style fried tofuThis is the thai style fried tofu.The tofu is deep fried to very crispy but the tofu inside is still soft.They cur the tofu into small pieces and then pour the thai style sour sauce into the tofu.The sauce is sour and spicy with some cucumber slices on it.Now the tofu is with a slightly taste of sweet,sour and spicy.Good match.Very nice for me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
My second favourite dish of the night, mantis prawn cooked with salted egg yolk. No cheating involved here! They're all prawn meat, not big lumps of flour (except those tiny ones that probably dripped into the pan). The mantis prawn meat is coated with the familiar salty and powdery feel of salted egg yolks which I love. Crunchy outside but chewy inside. The mantis prawn was very fresh without a fishy smell. The salted egg yolk tasted great and complimented the mantis prawn well. Finished every last piece and even ate the vegetables. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)