2015-10-22 1196 views
I’ve been craving to go to this shaved-ice place that my sister had been rambling about. And so when I visited my sister’s place in Malacca, I managed to steal sometime to eat at this place. The shop was called Big Bowl Ice and it has a big signboard in front of this shop. You cannot miss this shop. It was night time and the wind there is so hot. I was sweating even when I’m in the car.The shop was small and located at a junction in Batu Berendam. There were two franchise of this shop. One locat
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I’ve been craving to go to this shaved-ice place that my sister had been rambling about. And so when I visited my sister’s place in Malacca, I managed to steal sometime to eat at this place. The shop was called Big Bowl Ice and it has a big signboard in front of this shop. You cannot miss this shop. It was night time and the wind there is so hot. I was sweating even when I’m in the car.
The shop was small and located at a junction in Batu Berendam. There were two franchise of this shop. One located at Bukit Cina, another at Batu Berendam. My sister told me that she preferred to come to this franchise because the parking space was big and a lot in numbers.

Big Bowl Ice is a shaved-ice concept store that not only sells shaved ice but also with many varieties of toppings and flavor and even sizes. We came here also to celebrate my little brother’s birthday and my sister’s wedding anniversary. I was glad that when we came inside the shop, the space were just nice with room to move for us to celebrate our occasion.

What’s the most unique of this shop is, there are an option of a 15kg shaved ice, which is the biggest and is suggested to be consumed for 10 person. So if you and your friends were ice cream and dessert lover, this was just the right place with the right environment. There were also a few tables on the outside for smokers so there would be no one smoking inside the air-conditioned shop.

Though the shop’s owner and workers were all Chinese, the shop were labelled and officiated as a Halal restaurant from Jakim its self. For us Muslims, there’s no reason for us to get concern about this shop.

The shop serves 2 types of ice. Shaved-ice, which is the main dish and also Snow Ice. Shaved Ice were the desert with fruit topping to give you a healthy choice in eating sweet things. Meanwhile, Snow Ice comes in 4 varieties. Chocolate, Matcha, Milk or Caramel. So which flavor would satisfy your craving? This shop just not only served normal ice like any other ABC or Cendol place. The snow ice was softer because it is grinded thoroughly before being served to the customer.

Our choice of desert that night was Chocolate Snow Ice with topping of vanilla ice – cream and crushed peanuts, Milk Snow Ice with mango and topped with Vanilla ice – cream and lastly, for the birthday boy, Caramel Snow Ice with the topping choice of mixed cereal, crushed peanuts and vanilla and chocolate flavored ice – cream.
Caramel Snow Ice
The ice melted quickly because it was milk based but be careful when eating because I got a pretty bad case of brain freeze that night. It was a happy night with an excellent environment to celebrate our little family occasion. I would totally come again to taste the Matcha flavor because none of my family members actually like Matcha but me. Anybody wants to come along?
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Waiting Time
9 Minutes (Dine In)
Recommended Dishes
Caramel Snow Ice
RM 7