Stir-fry Pumpkin with Vegetable Recipe 冬林素绘食谱

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Stir-fry Pumpkin with Vegetable Recipe 冬林素绘食谱
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Pumpkin contains essential minerals and its best to eat it with vegetables! Healthy lifestyle begins with stir-fry pumpkin with vegetable recipe today.
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Big Chef 师傅
Big Chef 师傅
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Ingredient and Portion
180g pumpkin (cut to 12 slices) / 180克金瓜(切成12片)
180g winter melon (cut to 12 slices) / 180克冬瓜(切成12片)
100g lotus (skinless, sliced)/ 100克莲藕(去皮,切片)
6 sugar pea / 6条 甜豆
10 slices carrot / 10片 红箩卜
20 Semen Ginkgo (remove core)/ 20粒 鲜白果仁(去芯)
100g fresh fungus (cut in small pieces)/ 100克鲜木耳(切块)
4 tbsp chicken broth / 4大匙 鸡汤
1/2 tbsp salt / 1/2小匙盐
1/2 tbsp MSG / 1/2小匙味精
1/4 tbsp chicken powder / 1/4小匙鸡精粉

Pumpkin Sauce / 金瓜酱
150g pumpkin / 150克 金瓜
pinch of salt / 适量 盐
pinch of MSG / 适量 味精
pinch of chicken powder / 适量 鸡精粉
1. Ready pumpkin: Skinless, sliced, preheat the steamer and steamed. Remove from steamer, add in to blender and blend till smooth, add in pinch of salt, MSG and chicken powder, stir together, standby.
2.Row up the pumpkin slices and winter melon slicer to the plate, steamed it for 20minutes or till cooked. Pour off the water, standby.

3. 莲藕用热油氽泡一会,捞起,沥油。准备一镬沸水,放入莲藕、甜豆、白果仁及木耳一同氽烫一吓,盛起,沥干水份。
Soak lotus in hot oil for short while, picked up and drain. Ready a pot of boiling water, add in lotus, sugar pea, semen ginkgo and fungus to soak for short while, picked up and drain.

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