Stewed Pig's Mesentery in Thai Sauce Recipe 香辣卤猪肚食谱

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Stewed Pig's Mesentery in Thai Sauce Recipe 香辣卤猪肚食谱
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Slightly tweak this ordinary recipe of stewed pork's stomach into something that you've never taste before - by using Thai sauce! Spicy but keeps you wanting more!

Ingredient and Portion
1 no (600g) pig's mesentery / 1只(600克)猪肚
3 garlic cloves (flatten) / 3粒蒜瓣(拍扁)
3 star anises / 3粒八角
1700ml water / 1700毫升清水

Seasoning / 调味料:
100mI Thai chilli sauce / 100毫升泰国辣椒酱
3 tbsp light soy sauce / 3大匙生抽
1/4 tsp dark soy sauce / 1/4小匙黑酱油/ 晒油
1. Rinse and clean the pig's mesentery, cook into boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove, drained and keep aside.

2. Heat up 2 tbsp oil in the preheated wok to fragrant garlic cloves. Pour in water, add in star anises and seasoning, bring to a boil.

3. Put in pig's mesentery. Meanwhile, cover and stew over a low heat for approximately 1 1/2 hours until the pig's mesentery is tender and the flavour has been absorbed, or until the gravy is thickened. Dish up, cut into slices. Serve hot.
拌入猪肚,加盖以慢火卤制1 1/2小时至猪肚完全松软入味,或卤汁微浓稠为止,即可取出猪肚切片食用。
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