Monkey Head Mushroom in Clay Pot Recipe 猴头菇杂锦煲食谱

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Monkey Head Mushroom in Clay Pot Recipe 猴头菇杂锦煲食谱
From Feminine 风采 Submit
Mushrooms are full with nutritional value and best eaten with vegetables! This monkey head mushroom in clay pot recipe is one of the best you should try!
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Feminine 风采 - 第604期
Feminine 风采 - 第604期
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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients A:/ 材料A:
100g Monkey head mushroom / 猴头菇100克
50gbroccoli / 西兰花50克
50g cauliflower / 包菜花50克
20g carrot / 红萝卜20克

Ingredients B:/ 材料B:
50g red chili / 红甜椒50克
8 pcs sweet pea / 甜豆8只
30g white mushroom / 白玉菇30克
some ginger slices / 姜片适量
2 tbsp oil / 油2大匙
1 bowl boiling water / 滚水1饭碗
1/2 tsp sugar / 糖½茶匙
1 tsp vegetarian stock / 斋汤1茶匙
1/4 tsp salt / 盐¼茶匙
1/2 tsp peanut butter / 花生酱1/2茶匙
1/2 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce / 素蚝油1/2大匙
1 tsp dark soy sauce / 酱油膏1茶匙

Thickening: / 勾芡:
1 1/2 tsp premium corn flour / 风车粉1 1/2茶匙
1. Cut ingredients A into small pieces and then blanch with boiling water,drain.

2. Heat 2 tbsp oil in clay pot,sauté ginger until fragrant,add in monkey head mushroom and fry until golden brown,toss in broccoli,cauliflower and carrot,add in 1 bowl of water and bring to boil;add in seasoning and remaining ingredients B,simmer for a short while thicken and dish out.
Tips: Do not heat clay pot without oil, it will break up easily.

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