Homemade Cake

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Homemade Cake
One same recipe which can make 3 different flavor cakes which consist of Marble Cake, Butter Cake and Choco Cake.
Ingredient and Portion
200g Planta Marjerin
80g Sugar (according to preferences as I don't like it too sweet)
4 eggs
200g Self Raising Flour (I used MFM brand)
Vanilla Essences
Van Houten Cocoa Powder
1) Put 200g Marjerin & 80g Sugar into the mixing bowl. Mix well for about 15 minutes until the colour changes from yellowish to white sandy colour.
2) Add 4 eggs into the mixture. 1 by 1 at a time. Do not add it all at once. After first egg is added, mix the batter. Then continue repeating it.
3) Add 200g Self Raising Flour into the batter. Little by little, mix it while adding the flour.
4) Add some vanilla essences for some aroma.

Step 1-4 is the basic for baking a plain Butter Cake.

4a) To make Cocoa Cake, follow step 1-4. Then add in Cocoa Powder in about 60g (according to preferences)

4b) To make Marble Cake, follow step 1-4. Then pour half the batter into the baking tray. Left some on the mixing bowl, add 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder into it. Mix well. Pour the Cocoa mixture on top of the Butter mixture. You can draw pattern if you want it more presentable.

5) Finally, put it in the oven and bake it for about 45 minutes. I used Steamer to bake it on stove.
1) Ensure the marjerin and sugar mixed well and colour shall be white sandy colour. If not, when adding eggs into the mixture, it would split.
2) When adding eggs, it is good to use a small bowl to crack the egg 1 by 1 and add into the mixture 1 by 1 too !
3) The measurement for the Cocoa Powder is depends on the baker. Van Houten Cocoa powder is bitter, so I don't add much as I want my cake to be just nice and not overpowered by the Cocoa
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