Frog Legs in Claypot Recipe 生煲田鸡食谱

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Frog Legs in Claypot Recipe 生煲田鸡食谱
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Warm and nutritious, this frog legs in claypot recipe keeps you with full nutriens from the herbs used! Try them out today.
酒香不在话下,味道及口感都提供味蕾 恰到好处的喜悦。田鸡肉质滑嫩,熟度 恰好,味道也鲜甜。千万不可错过这道生煲田鸡食谱。
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Big Chef 师傅
Big Chef 师傅
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Ingredient and Portion
1 Chinese Edible Frog (250g)/ 1只(250克)田鸡
1/2 tbsp Wolfberry / 1/2大匙 杞子
2 tbsp Shaoxin Rice Wine / 2大匙 绍兴酒
2 garlic cloves (chopped) / 2粒 蒜瓣(切片)
2-3 chili / 2-3条红指天椒(拍扁)
10g ginger shredded / 10克 姜丝
2 Dang Gui (chopped)/ 2片 当归(切丁)
10g green onion (Cut into small pieces) / 10克 青葱(切小段)
1/2 tsp Chicken powder / 1/2小匙 鸡精粉
1/4 tsp salt / 1/4小匙 盐
1/4 tsp Sesame oil / 1/4小匙 麻油
3 tbsp Shaoxin Rice Wine/ 3大匙 绍兴酒
1.Clean and rinse Frog legs, cut in pieces; wolfberry soaked into shaoxin rice wine.
把田鸡处理干净,剁块;将杞子浸泡 于绍兴酒里,备用。

2.Heat the claypot, stir in garlic, chili, ginger, dang gui and wolfberry, stir-fry in low heat till fragrant. Put in frog legs and stir-fry till fragrant and cover with lid, change the heat to medium and continue cook for 3-5 minutes.
烧热砂煲,加入蒜片、指天椒、姜丝 、当归及杞子酒,以小火伴炒香浓。加 入田鸡翻炒香浓后,盖上,改用中火煮3 -5分钟。

3.Add in seasoning and fry 2 minutes or till frog legs fully cooked. Cook with low heat and stir-fry-quickly until thicken sprinkle, turn off heat, add in green onion, ready to eat.
加入调味料,伴炒2分钟至田鸡熟透。 改用大火伴炒5秒至收汁,熄火,伴入青 葱,即可上桌。

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