Fried Pork Jujubes with Glutinous Rice Recipe 糯米烧肉枣食谱

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Fried Pork Jujubes with Glutinous Rice Recipe  糯米烧肉枣食谱
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Glutinous rice with Pork Meat? You'll be amazed how this fried pork jujubes with glutinous rice recipe works wonders!

一头猪,从头到尾系列 —— 糯米烧肉枣

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Ingredient and Portion
450g pork leg meat / 后腿肉 450克
300g pig’s caul fat / 猪网油300克
50g fat meat / 肥肉 50克
50g cooked glutinous rice / 熟糯米 50克

Seasonings / 调味料:
80g sugar / 糖 80克
1 tsp five-spice powder / 五香粉 1茶匙
80g preserved kumquat(chopped) / 渍金桔(切碎)80克
1/2 tbsp cekor powder / 沙姜粉 1/2汤匙
2 tbsp rose wine / 玫瑰露 2汤匙
20g salt / 盐20克
1/2 tbsp Chinese liquorice powder / 甘草粉 1/2汤匙
1/2 tsp MSG / 味精 1/2茶匙
30g coriander leaves(chopped) / 芫荽(切碎) 30克
1/2tsp red food colouring / 食用红色素 1/2茶匙
1. Blend pork leg meat and fat meat separately in a blender. Place them in a mixing bowl, add in Seasonings and rub until well combined. Add in glutinous rice and rub well to become filling.

2. Rinse pig’s caul fat and spread it out, place the filling on top. Roll it into a cylinder and use a straw rope to tie into jujube shapes.

3. Grill at 185°C for 35-40 minutes or deep-fry in hot oil until cooked.
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