Deep-fried Phoenix Balls Recipe 凤凰球食谱

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Deep-fried Phoenix Balls Recipe  凤凰球食谱
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This deep-fried Phoenix is wrapping the salted egg yolk with minced pork and other ingredients. After that fried it until crispy. The minced meat mixed with other ingredients makes the dish more tasty!

家常便饭,有滋有味。肉碎粒包裹一粒明亮如月亮的咸蛋黄,口感香脆。 外面的皮加上一些蔬菜跟猪肉碎一起搅拌再炸,让凤凰球更加好吃!真想赶快学来煮一煮!
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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients A 材料A:
500g minced pork / 肉碎 500克
2 tsp salt / 盐2茶匙
a pinch of MSG (optional) / 味精(可取舍)少许
1 tsp pepper / 胡椒粉 1茶匙
2 egg whites / 蛋白 2粒
3 tbsp tapioca flour / 木薯粉 3汤匙
300g fish paste / 鱼胶300克
50g carrot, chopped / 红萝卜(切碎)50克
5 water chestnuts, chopped / 马蹄(切碎)5粒
4 tbsp chopped spring onion / 青葱粒 4汤匙
1 tsp sesame oil / 麻油 1茶匙
3 tbsp chopped onion / 洋葱碎 3汤匙
3 cloves garlic, chopped / 蒜头(切碎) 3瓣
1/2 tbsp dried sole fish powder / 左口鱼粉 1/2汤匙

Ingredients B 材料B:
8 salted egg yolks, steamed / 咸蛋黄(蒸熟)8粒
100g corn flour (for coating) / 玉米粉(沾裹用)100克
1. Combine Ingredients A in a bowl and mix evenly.

2. Divide the mixture into 80g portions, wrap each portion with a salted egg yolk, seal and shape into balls, coat with corn flour.

3. Heat oil for deep-frying, drop in balls and deep-fry until golden brown. Remove, drain oil and cut into pieces before serving.
炒锅中烧热炸油,放入肉丸炸至呈金黄色, 取出沥油,切块后享用。
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