Deep Fried Garoupa Recipe 干烧石斑食谱

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Deep Fried Garoupa Recipe 干烧石斑食谱
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The main ingredients of Deep Fried Garoupa includes Garoupa, salt, cooking wine, ginger, onion and others more. This dish is not only nutritious but simple too. It is also everyone's favorite!

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Deep Fried Garoupa Recipe 干烧石斑食谱
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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients / 材料:
600g Garoupa / 石斑鱼 600克
1 beaten egg / 鸡蛋液 1粒
3 tbsp corn flour / 粟米粉 3汤匙

Marinades / 腌料:
1/2 tsp salt / 盐 1/2茶匙
1/4 tsp pepper / 胡椒粉 1/4茶匙

Sub-ingredients / 配料:
1/2 tbsp juliennes ginger / 姜丝 1/2汤匙
1 onion (cut slices) / 洋葱 1粒(切丝)
1 stalk spring onion (cut sections) / 青葱 1棵(切段)
3 Chinese mushroom (soaked and juliennes) / 冬菇 3朵(泡软切丝)
50g lean pork (cut strips) / 花肉(切丝) 50克

Seasoning / 调味料:
200g water / 水 200克
1 tbsp oyster sauce / 蚝油 1汤匙
1/2 tbsp soy sauce / 生抽 1/2汤匙
1/2 tsp salt / 盐 1/2茶匙
1/4 tsp MSG / 味精素 1/4茶匙
1 tbsp cooking wine / 绍兴酒 1汤匙
1/2 tsp sesame oil / 麻油 1/2茶匙
1/4 tsp pepper / 胡椒粉 1/4茶匙

Thickening / 打芡:
1/2 tbsp corn flour / 粟粉 1/2汤匙
1 tbsp water / 水 1汤匙

Garnishing / 装饰:
some juliennes spring onion and red chili / 青葱丝和辣椒丝适量
1. Coat fish with egg sauce and then coat with corn flour; deep fry in hot oil until golden brown, drain.

2. Keep 1 tbsp oil in wok, sauté ginger, spring onion and onion until fragrant; toss in mushroom and meat, sauté until fragrant, add in seasoning and fried fish, bring to boil. Transfer fish into serving plate.

3. Thicken meat mixture with starch and pour sauce over garnished fried fish, done.
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