Chef Eric’s Special Yee Sang Recipe 特色发财鱼生食谱

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Chef Eric’s Special Yee Sang Recipe 特色发财鱼生食谱
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Let's Lou Sang at home! Makes a simple and delicious Yee Sang, toss them at home because it will be merrier and you can add in more fish slices too! Recipe here!

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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients A (Dressing) / 材料A(调味酱)
8 tbsp Thai sweet chilli sauce / 泰式甜辣酱 8汤匙
4 tbsp plum sauce / 酸梅酱 4汤匙

Ingredients B (Salad) / 材料B(拼盘材料)
200g finely shredded white radish / 白萝卜细丝 200克
200g finely shredded carrots / 红萝卜细丝 200克
200g finely shredded green radish / 青萝卜细丝 200克
4 sprigs coriander leaf / 芫荽叶 4根
3 tbsp toasted coarsely grounded peanuts / 烤香花生碎 3汤匙
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds / 烤香芝麻 2汤匙
200g pomelo pulp / 柚子肉 200克
2 pcs candied tangerine, finely sliced / 糖桔饼(切细丝)2块
40g candied winter melon strips, finely sliced / 糖冬瓜条(切细丝)40克
1 pc ginger flower/bunga kantan, chopped / 姜花(切碎)1朵
2 nos calamansi lime/limau kasturi / 桔仔/酸柑 2粒
4 pcs kaffir lime leaf, finely shredded / 麻疯柑叶(切细丝)4片
10 sheets spring roll skin, finely sliced and deep-fried / 春卷皮(切幼丝,炸脆)10片

Ingredients C / 材料C
200-300g fresh tuna loin or salmon / 新鲜金枪鱼柳或三文鱼柳 200-300克
some salt and coarsely grounded black pepper / 盐和粗磨黑胡椒 适量
1. Combine Ingredients A to form the Dressing.

2. Arrange Ingredients B, except deep-fried spring roll skin, on a platter to form the Salad.

3. Season tuna fillet with salt and pepper. Heat a non-stick pan and sear the tuna lightly on all sides. Wrap seared tuna with plastic wrap and slice into thin pieces with a very sharp knife.

4. Carefully remove all plastic wraps and arrange fish slices around the Salad. Pour Dressing over, sprinkle crispy spring roll skin generously over and toss well before serving.
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