Braised Meat Balls in Brown Sauce Recipe 红烧狮子头食谱

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Braised Meat Balls in Brown Sauce Recipe 红烧狮子头食谱
Ingredient and Portion
Ingredient A: / 材料A:
Pork Meat 600g / 肥瘦肉600克,
Minced Ginger 15g / 姜末15公克
Minced Onion 20g / 葱末20公克
Egg 1 / 鸡蛋1个
Cornstarch / 玉米淀粉 少许

Ingredient B: / 材料B:
Chinese Cabbage 400g / 大白菜400公克
2 Root Green Onion / 青葱2根
Ginger 15g / 姜15公克
2 Root Coriander / 香菜2根
Seasoning A: / 调味料A:
Pinch of Salt / 盐 少许
Water / 水 适量
Light Soy Sauce / 酱油 适量
Chinese Cooking Wine / 料理酒 适量
1 tsp White Pepper / 白胡椒粉1茶匙
1 tbsp Cooking Oil / 香油1大匙

Ingredient B: / 调味料B:
2 Cup Water / 水 2杯
Light Soy Sauce / 酱油 适量
Oyster Sauce / 蚝油 适量
1. Cut the chinese cabbage to piece, set aside.

2. Chopped the pork meat to mince, marinated it for 10-15min, set aside.
将肥瘦肉剁成肉末, 腌制大概10-15分钟,备用。

3. Put the minced pork to big bowl, add in salt with cornstarch and mixed it, toss till the meat has fully absorbed the cornstarch.

4. Add in egg after toss the meat, put in the water separately and mixed.

5. After mixed, add in coriander, minced ginger, chopped onion and other seasoning A, mixed it and divided to similar size meat ball.

6. Heat the oil and pan-fried the meat ball with medium high heat till the meat ball turn to golden color.

7. Ready claypot, put in onion, ginger and Chinese Cabbage (Ingredient B), and then put in Seasoning B till boiled, turn to low heat and braise for at least 30min.
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