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Review (13)
Level2 2019-10-15
今日我地包團來到馬六甲,睇左寶山亭同海事博物館之後,司機兼導遊就車左我地去雞場街。到達雞場街,首先我地就醫下肚。他介紹左我們去呢間中華茶室食海南雞同雞飯粒。入到去場內都坐滿了,要等位。好不容易,我們等到了八人位了。餐廳職員提議我們四個人食一隻雞和每人一碟雞飯粒,不過我們因爲想試多啲其他野食,所以八個人食一隻雞同兩碟雞飯粒,仲每人叫左一杯青檸水。1. 海南雞呢碟海南雞其實好咸,好似鹽水雞,點左啲醬有返啲酸酸辣辣咁中和一下。2. 雞飯粒呢啲雞飯粒睇起上來同飯團無異,係一種油油地嘅飯團。佢係無味嘅,所以如果啲雞飯粒,配埋啲海南雞食,就會有返啲味道。3. 青檸水其實我們本身諗住叫走冰係常溫,點知走冰就是等於熱。結果變左我地都係又曬又熱大熱天,飲左杯好熱嘅青檸水。杯青檸水其實幾好飲,可能因為佢加左糖,飲落都幾生津止渴。呢間店係係雞場街入口,都好多人幫襯的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-10-15
Hainanese Chicken Rice has always been super awesome at delivering the best chicken rice dishes! And everytime someone mentions hainanese chicken rice, I immediately remember the one and only chicken rice that I love so much from Malacca.Kedai Kopi Chop Chung Wah, almost everyday also got Q without fail. Reason being, their chicken rice ball(s) and their chicken is delicious!!I prefer this place better than the one next to "San Shu Gong". Their chicken is rich in flavour, the chicken rice ball(s) also very fragrant and when you dip them in the chicken sauce and add a lil chilli, it is spectacular! Like melt in your mouth!Very moist, juicy, tender, flavorful and fulfilling!The total bill amount was RM70 for 4 pax portion + drinks + extra rice ballsUpon entering got rules stuck unto the wall at the entrance on the left.And on the right.What I like about this place is they roughly know how many portions you will need based on the quantity of pax at present. Or you can also choose to order the quantity to your liking. Their menu is simple :Hainanese Chicken : Whole (RM44.60), Half (RM22.30)Chicken Rice Ball : RM0.40 each rice ballI always drop by here everytime when I'm in Malacca. And I always aim to be here at 9am/10am to beat the looooong Q. But it's worth the wait! They also offer takeaway (even heading back to KL, with specific guidelines to adhere to maintain freshness).Kedai Kopi Chop Chung WahAddress : 18, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 MelakaOpening Hours : Weekdays from 8.30am to 3.00pmWeekends/PH from 8.30am to 4.00pm continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We are still in Melaka, and this time let’s move on to the Jonker Street area where is situated in Bandar Hilir, a five minutes walk from the Stadhuys building. The famous Chicken Rice Ball and the Cendol is just located around the area.The famous chicken rice ball shop is known as “Chop Chung Wah”. Basically this place has the nicest and best chicken rice ball that one should try. Especially on weekends, many people would be queuing up to try the food because of the popularity of then shop itself. To many surprise, people from Melaka or outside, then to queue up in the sun just to eat this. Basically the interior of the shop is more to the old days, the 60’s. The old lady will be the one rolling the chicken rice ball almost five times in a day. In this shop, it only comes with one variety which is the Hainanese chicken, which is the steamed chicken. The meat of the chicken is indeed tender and juicy. The main key to this chicken rice ball is the chili. Because the chicken rice ball is flavoured with chicken stock and that is one of the reason it taste so good.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-08-09
This is the best place for yummy chicken rice balls. Their menu is simple as they only have the rice balls and steamed white chicken. The chicken is nothing to shout about but the rice balls itself is to die for. Yummy when eaten with the chicken gravy and their home made chilli sauce.Only downside to this place is the damn queue & service. You would be queuing in the hot sun for like 40 minutes before you can get a seat. Hence many a times I just end up in the other joints nearby. The servers are impatient and rude. They expect you to know what you want when you sit and quickly eat and leave.Got to visit this place at least once. Then decide if its worth the wait and poor service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-23
这里每一天的周末都可以看到满满的人潮在门口排队等着吃鸡粒饭。人多到如果你的伴友很少的话你是需要和别人塔台的。他的鸡饭粒很好吃,白斩鸡也很嫩滑。我其实最喜欢他的辣椒,可以吃很多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)