012-309 8303
012-385 5154
Opening Hours
07:30 - 12:30
17:30 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 12:30
17:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
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Serves breakfast
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Big Bone Dry Bak Kut Teh Pig Trotter
Review (11)
Level1 2019-11-07
來到巴生旅行,當然一定要試下這肉骨茶的起源地,盛發肉骨茶位於橋底,所以又稱橋底肉骨茶,它只做早市和晚市,下午休息,大家要留意呀!以免自行喜歡它的肉骨茶可選擇想食的種類,如大骨,排骨,軟骨,豬腳,半肥瘦.....种類多而且可另加配料,例如蛋,油條,菜我們叫了一煲軟骨加排骨的肉茶,那軟骨和排骨好入味,好淋,超好味,而且煲內加左磨菇,枝竹,全都好入味,肉骨茶的湯底好好味,對於一些喜歡食中菜湯料的人來说,一定食完再食,這間盛發肉骨茶是來馬來西亞必食的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-10-03
盛发肉骨茶,又叫桥下肉骨茶,属于第三代经营。属于老字号,味道依旧美味。经常满座。目前他们生意也发展到国外。再次到访盛发,肉质鲜美,汤味浓郁。油条配肉骨茶也是很合拍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-09-12
30.08.2015【星期日】马来西亚有很多美食,肉骨茶是其一。别说本地人,连大多的外国游客品尝过后都念念不忘巴生(klang)是肉骨茶的根源在巴生这一块地,肉骨茶店多不胜数!就怕你胃小网络是个好平台,随便谷歌一下,就可以让你走少很多冤枉路这个傍晚,和阿余开车南下,来到巴生著名的盛发肉骨茶盛发肉骨茶不难找,就座落于巴生火车站附近一个桥底下别小看这毫不起眼的招牌,它可是祖传了三代的老字号据说这里肉骨茶的祖传秘法连香港食神也二度光临根据网上资料:60-70年前,,有一位叫李文地的男子在後街經營肉骨生意由於藥方獨到大受歡迎,後來有人就為李文地取了個花名叫『肉骨地』但由於福建話裡『地』和『茶』同音,久而久之『肉骨地』就傳為『肉骨茶』李文地就乾脆掛起招牌寫上『德地肉骨茶』『德地肉骨茶』是由李老先生的大兒子繼承『德發』是老三『盛發』是老四盛发肉骨茶把车泊在附近,礼拜天免了泊车固本的烦恼抵达时候才六点左右,店内却已经是满满的人潮,有些已经吃饱走人了我们很幸运,只是站了十分钟就有空位让了出来给我们盛发肉骨茶还没坐下,下单的帅哥就走了过来『先替你们进单』好主意~下了单,椅子还没坐热,工作人员送上一篮子的茶包任你慢慢选但其实选择不多,就是香片、铁观音和茶王这几种选择生茶我不宜喝太多,只尝了几小杯迷你茶壶,迷你茶杯店家在四周摆了好几个瓦斯炉,上面架著一壶壶的热开水,好方便顾客自行加水其实经常外食的都已经习惯‘’自行加水‘’这事但不是每个人都能接受,有些人会觉得出来吃饭就是给钱买享受自行加水这事我们倒是很乐意,觉得更省时谁叫我们脸皮薄等待当儿就顺便打量一下周围店面分为两边,中间有扇小门可以通过我大概算了一下,室外其实很大,摆了接近二十张的桌子没有五到六位员工肯定手忙脚乱等待时候,突然有个超级无敌粗鲁的工作人员给我们这桌拿了匙叉过来 并且很粗鲁很用力的放到你桌子上!很大的一声碰让原本安静的匙根叉在跳舞········就连辣椒也逃不过被扔的命运!他给我们用扔的扔到桌子上妈呀!我们是哪里得罪他了?!我们并没有叫他拿啊其实我们也不会介意站起身道隔壁桌去拿咯(举手之劳嘛~店家坚持原味的肉骨茶店,这里不提供蒜米蒜米粉丝请自备丫~油条是前菜不到一会已经被咱们扫光光喽除了肉骨茶,这里也有油菜、卤蛋和鸡脚阿余各点了一份鸡脚和卤蛋的汤汁带有淡淡茶香,超好下饭的喔最后的重头戏一锅香浓的肉骨茶煲~见到周围的顾客有的点了瓦煲,有的用碗盛于是我发挥了好奇精神,问了问店家两者之间的分别原来瓦煲肉骨茶的放入了豆腐卜和蘑菇,而碗的你可以依口味一一来份猪肚、猪场或三层盛发肉骨茶的汤浓但不稠的确别有一番滋味~完全适合我的口味,超喜欢捏盛发肉骨茶一目了然的能量单位加入了各种药材及佐料给熬成的一锅药材肉骨茶不但美味,还可以驱寒不多的汤汁是精华,只有瓦煲的三分之一要求店家给我们加汤,也只有一小碗的份量 (扁嘴)他们家的油囪饭也非常不错吃我和阿余都忍不住一人来两盘~辣椒仔淋上黑酱油也是醉了单是这一小碟的辣椒我就啃了三份店家把我们的油菜给忘了,见他们那么忙我们也没去催两人份肉骨茶煲+一份鸡脚+一份卤蛋+四盘油饭+一壶铁观音结帐RM40这一餐下来,整个胃都暖了起来呀久久不能散的药材香也是醉了~回头率的确很高!盛发也有推出肉骨茶包,是送礼佳品。但我这竟然忘了给家里带几包巴生盛发(桥底)肉骨茶9,jalan raya timur,kawasan 141000 klang selangor , malaysiatel : 0123098303business hour : 0730am-1300pm / 0530pm-0830pm (初一、十五休息) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Yay, in honour of this inauguration food review, I will post about my most favourite Bak Kut Teh (BKT) from Klang aka 'Klang's Under the Bridge Bak Kut Teh'. It's not literally under the bridge but it's the corner shop by the flyover bridge hence the name.My family and I have been patron of this shop for the past 20 years as we used to stay in Shah Alam. However since moving to Seri Kembangan, we have been frequent it less and less. Nevertheless, once in a while when we have visitor out-of-town requested for BKT recommendation, we will try our best to make that 45km travel.LGB parents are in town and we thought to recommend them this; the real true Klang BKT!Storefront photo. You can see the chef is picking and chopping part of pork that was being ordered.From left top clockwise, *STAR ORDER* big bone (RM10), stewed eggs (RM4), stewed tofu (RM6) and they substitute soft bones as they ran out of pork ribs (RM10). *I ain't complaining cos it's as good!*LGB parents are watching out for the cholesterol level hence I only order 2 plates of meat for 4 persons. Usually I will order 1 plate for each pax without the tofu and egg. The tofu was quite disappointing as it was not stewed long enough to absorb the essence of the soup.The current chef is already their 3rd generation son and I noted the soup is not as thick as I remember it to be. I guess 古早味 always taste better.This BKT is of darker colour and I never like the other type of BKT which is of lighter soup as they don't put in dark soy sauce. *somewhat bashful* After years of being proud of knowing the real true Klang BKT, Wikipedia educated me that there are two clans that cook BKT differently ie. Hokkien cooks with stronger meat flavour and dark soy sauce while Teochew cooks it lighter with peppery taste.Fried onion cooked with the rice (RM1.50/plate) that gives it nice wafting fragrant and Chinese tea (RM3/tea bag) is a must companion to wash down the amount of fat in this pork-laden dish. You can bring your own tea leaves.Oh! I forgot the you-tiao (yao char kwai) picture which is also a must companion to be dipped and eat along with the soup which cost RM2/plate.All in all, I'm glad that LGB parents agree with my recommendation as we order 6 plates of rice for 4. :-DSummary of review :Taste - 4/5Ambience - 2/5 (It has the grandfather's-time-coffee-shop feel but the paint is peeling off the wall lah)Hygiene - 2/5 (Lucky their kitchen is at the storefront hence I can assure the food hygiene is met but I don't dare to go to their toilet if it's not too urgent.)Value for money - 4.5/5 (Our total spending cost us less than RM11 per person. *Where to find?*)Details of the restaurant :Name : Restoran Seng Huat Bak Kut TehAddress : Jalan Besar, Kawasan 1, 41000 Klang, Selangor.GPS Location : 3.0434026,101.4482494Phone no. : 012 3098 303 / 012 3855 154Operation hours : 7.30am - 1.00pm & 5.30 - 8.30pm continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-01-28
Bah Kut Teh is one of the signature dish that represent Klang, everyone know that Klang famous for Bah Kut Teh but out of the 10 or 100 shop here which one is the best? Well I don’t have the answer but I can definitely tell that Seng Huat Bah Kut Teh is among the top contender. Klang Bah Kut Teh can be at morning, early morning I mean which is the time where we take Dim Sum at Ipoh or Penang but Klang people are eating their beloved Bah Kut Teh.Read more: http://www.tasteiest.com/2011/01/klang-seng-huat-bah-kut-teh-2.html#ixzz2regZKnKfFirst plate of Bah Kut Teh, oh ya Klang don’t serve everything in big bowl like Penang did instead they split all into different small bowl. Below is the big bone, long hour of cooking making the meat tender soft and absorbing the herb soup flavor while the essence of pork meat is dissolve into the soup making both so delicious.Read more: http://www.tasteiest.com/2011/01/klang-seng-huat-bah-kut-teh-2.html#ixzz2regbgJ3f continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)