03-5879 9750
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (2)
之前身边的朋友向我推荐过 Setiawalk 的韩式烧烤餐厅 - 火炉爱,这特别的店名也让我对它留下了深刻的印像。只不过韩式烧烤这类高消费的美食,我只有在特别的日子才敢放肆一下。那天路过这里,发现除了韩式烧烤,他们在午餐时段也有提供价格比较大众化的餐点,大部份都介于 RM13.90 到 RM16.50 之间,饭类和面类有约 20 种选择,看起来还不错的样子。二话不说,我约了 KC 在这里午餐会面。我以为平日的 Setiawalk 应该是静悄悄没什么人的,不过午餐时段过来火炉爱的客人还不少,大家都是被亲民的价格吸引而来的吧?老板娘看起来应该是韩国人,我心里顿时对这里的信心大增,食物应该会是蛮道地的吧?嫩豆腐锅套餐 - RM13.90我承认我是对 soft tofu 有特殊的情意结,我的嫩豆腐锅 soft tofu stew,RM13.90 的价格包含了一份主食和四样小菜,算是很划算了。小菜除了韩国料理必备的泡菜之外,还有小鱼干、炒鲍鱼菇和生菜沙拉。泡菜对我来说不是很辣,可以说是我吃过的泡菜当中最不辣的一次,虽然如此,它味道还是很不错的。嫩豆腐锅的味道也一样没有我想像中的辣,这样也好,不然吃多了喉咙会不舒服。里头放了蛤蜊和虾子等海鲜,可惜鸡蛋不是半熟兼完整地在上面,而是碎了在汤里,看不到完整的鸡蛋黄就是感觉有点美中不足!调味烤鸡肉套餐 - RM15调味烤鸡肉的味道不错,是属于重口味的,非常下饭。鸡肉很嫩,表面撒了一些芝麻,吃下去有微微的芝麻香,只不过我觉得好像少了一点韩国料理的风味。这里午餐的特价餐点都还不错,所以我觉得他们主打的韩式烧烤应该都会有一定的水准,有机会的话我想我应该会来试试的。By 阿七 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-09
Having the lunch with my collugue , the kimchi there can keep refill and the small dish also can refill unlimited.the food there quite spicy food until you will keep sweating and eating. but it is totally fun also ,the environment here is quite okay but i dont know why here not so much customer is dinning here but the food here is okay also .since is lunch time and here got promotion price also as well,but the price is mostly expensive than another restaurant la~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)