Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Char Kuey Teow Maggie Goreng Nasi Briyani Nasi Kandar
Review (1)
Level4 2012-09-03
After arriving at the Subang Airport, I went and searched for food and settled with this kopitiam. I ordered the most basic nasi lemak dish as I was not really hungry. It came with a big bowl of rice, cucumber slices, nuts, hard boiled egg, anchovies and sambal. Once I took a scoop of the sambal, it was extremely salty. Even eaten together with the rice, the saltiness level was intolerable, furthermore the sambal consisted of large anchovies which made it more salty. The nuts were crunchy and the hard boiled egg was fine. The rice was fragrant with santan taste also. It was just the sambal that doesn't make it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)