All Branches (8)
03-5613 6863
017-696 0412
Opening Hours
08:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Belgian Cacao Triple Mocha Coffea Coffee's Peanut Butter Latte Ethiopian Sidamo G2 Maestro Caffe Latte Mate Lemon Grass Pandan Gula Melaka Cake
Review (7)
The best Salted Caramel Cheesecake I've ever tasted! Everyone liked it very much too. Will be coming back for more.The tiramisu was just so-so. Didn't like it very much.And some other beverages. They have quite a lot of selections there. They even serve Peanut Butter latte/frap and Green Tea Frap which were really good. Frankly I think it's better than Starbucks which is a bit overrated. For coffee lovers, this is a must-go cafe! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-09-30
不管是在国外还是本地,咖啡馆一直都是和城市生活紧密相连的。对我来说闻咖啡香是我最喜欢的一件事,咖啡香味弥漫在各角落,就是幸福的香味。这次我要介绍的是-Coffea Coffee 位于Subang Jaya SS15,这一区的最新生力军,也是很火红的一间咖啡馆。这里是自助方式,记得选好了位子后是要自行到柜台选择咖啡和食物,先付了钱,咖啡和食物自会送上。还有,菜单也是只有在柜台的墙壁才可以看到哦。Coffea Coffee 的 咖啡师 Timothy,代表韩国在世界百瑞斯塔咖啡界(World Barista championship)赢了两次奥斯卡奖而在韩国成立的专营权。他们的咖啡豆都是专门从种咖啡七大世界各地,包括苏门答腊,危地马拉,肯尼亚,埃塞俄比亚,哥伦比亚,巴西和哥斯达黎加。作为韩国品牌与大马业者所合作的连锁咖啡馆,Coffea Coffee的最大特色在于以两款综合豆“Maestro”和“Madonna”,前者风味较重、口感浓郁,适合喜欢苦味的客人;后者则口感较柔顺,带着清新的果酸味,适合想品尝咖啡均衡风味的人。店員们的服務也都很親切,整體環境很舒適手工原木打造的墙面和桌椅,也会让你感受得到韩式咖啡馆的时尚与精致。裡面的裝潢以木質為主,配上微黃燈光,給人一種溫馨感。如果想和朋友喝杯咖啡聚一聚,又或者是想一个人边上网边喝咖啡,這絕對是你最佳的選擇,English big breakfast :RM17-第一次踏入Coffea coffee,我点了English big breakfast, 对于刚从Europe回来的我,英式早餐对于我来说,是有点腻,但是这份却让我有点惊喜。香肠裡面的肉都還是鮮嫩多汁,炒蛋(scrambled eggs)很香很滑嫩,搭配一杯咖啡,嗯, 很完美。黑咖啡:RM8(Americano)-因为我不喝黑咖啡,所以不能比较与平日喝的黑咖啡有什么不同。但我知道喝咖啡最好以黑咖啡的方式品尝,如此方能享受咖啡中原有的甘、酸、苦三味的均衡口味。小口的品尝了这一杯,与其说黑咖啡很苦,不如说这杯是苦尽甘来。抹茶拿铁:RM12 (Green Tea Latte)- 对不喝咖啡的人来说,店里特调的抹茶拿铁则是咖啡以外的美味选择。甜度適中又有淡淡抹茶和牛奶香,慢慢成了这里的人气饮品。卡布奇诺:RM10 (Cappuccino)-按照惯例,每逢去到新的咖啡馆,总会叫杯卡布奇诺来品尝。这里印有招牌的杯,外层的咖啡看起很顺滑再加上飘亮的拉花,还没喝就很散心悦目。喝下后还蛮顺口,整体来说还是不错的。 Hummingbird cake:RM12, 不错的蛋糕,蛋糕松软得恰到好处,甜度适宜,刚刚好。 香蕉和黄梨使蛋糕非常湿润,山核桃和肉桂的组合香气扑鼻,外面包裹甜而不腻的香草奶油奶酪霜;美妙的组合,口感也变的丰富非常。 这杯拉花卡布奇诺不仅仅是一杯美味的咖啡,还是一件漂亮的艺术品,是味觉和视觉的双重享受。如果想得到这小小的享受,记得一定要在点卡布奇诺时,对他们说:"请给我惊喜,我要特别的拉花图案,谢谢;)".Coffea Coffee 整體给我的感覺還算不錯,也难怪每晚都会那么多人慕名而来。P/s:喜欢静静品尝咖啡的你,记得早上来;反之,喜欢热闹的你,可以选择晚上来。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This was my second experience with this cafe and its Hot Caramel Macchiato. Although I always left the cafe with a body full of the smell of cigarette due to its smoking area located on the upper floor, as long as I am not inhaling it directly, I would not mind returning to the same place again and again for a cup of coffee once every two weeks to a month.I love the environment. It's simple, and decorated in the kind of style that I have always fancied. The services provided have always been satisfying and I have absolutely no issues with the friendly waiters. My friends and I enjoyed being in the cafe until midnight, when they were about to close.I love the Caramel Macchiato too. The top was decorated with caramel and cream. I stirred it after sipping some coffee, so that the sweetness would melt and mix together with the hot coffee beneath the layer of cream, and drink it bit by bit until when we were about to leave. The coffee wasn't strong, but it wasn't light either. I thought it was perfectly fine for me to drink during night time.I definitely can't wait to have my third visit again someday! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-29
Cappuccino. It was a challenge to find a parking space on a weekday in this area. We had to drive around that area for few times before we managed to find a parking at the market area, so we walked to this cafe. The coffee art for the cappuccino was a cute little bear. The cappuccino was nicely done and it was rich in coffee bean flavour. It was not too bitter, just nice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)