What To Cook This Week?! | 一个星期不用烦吃什么!
想要当一位能入得厨房,出得厅堂的好好老婆或是女友吗?来看看这几位煮妇兼职业女性的拿手小菜,如何收复家中男人的胃。是不是觉得很棒呢?这些小菜,快点学起来吧。 这本“女人味”讲述着十位煮妇兼职业女性如何掌握家中所传流下来的菜式,而且从小吃到大的,说起来还蛮有历史价值的。虽然不是什么山珍海味,可是就是家里每个人最喜欢的那道菜式。相信每个人家中都有一两道妈妈最引以为傲的菜式吧。来看看现在为你介绍的这几道菜式。 How to be a 100% good girlfriend or good wife? Chinese always say that if you wish to conquer a man’s heart then you must first conquer his stomach. So let’s check out these recipes from "Marvelous Ladies Creations" that wrote by 10 successful ladies who have also succeeded in conquering their husbands’ stomachs!

第一道 :控肉食谱

食谱,hong bak,福建,家常小菜,名食谱, 控肉
控肉(Hong Bak)就是福建菜里其中一道蛮金典的,也是许多吃货们的最爱。那肥肉适中,吃下去有点像吃棉花糖的感觉,有入口即溶的感觉,而且瘦肉不硬和不柴,是舌尖上的最高享受呢。要如何煮才不会又硬又柴呢?技巧就在食谱内,你可知道是什么吗?

Hong Bak is a classic Hokkien dish that everyone loves. This dish uses pork belly as the main ingredient, and the main attractive point of this dish is the tender meat with pork fats that will melts in your mouth. Let’s check out how to cook amazing Hong Bak from the recipe below!

Ingredient and Portion | 材料与份量:700g pork belly with skin (cut in pieces) | 带皮五花肉 700克(切块), 10 hard boiled eggs (shelled) | 熟鸡蛋 10粒(去壳), 3 garlic cloves (chopped) | 蒜瓣3粒(剁茸), 1 tbsp five spice powder | 五香粉1大匙, 2 star anise | 八角2粒, 60g crushed rock sugar | 冰糖碎60克, 2 tbsp cooking oil | 食油2大匙, 600ml water | 清水600毫升

Seasoning / 调味料 5 tbsp light soy sauce | 酱油5大匙, 4 tbsp Taiwanese "Jin Lan" sauce/or 2 tbsp dark soy sauce | 台湾金兰油膏4大匙 / 或 黑酱油2大匙

Method | 做法:
1. Heat cooking oil in a preheated wok to sauté garlic over medium heat. Add pork belly and five spice powder, stir-fry briskly until the colour of pork is changes.

2. Add star anise and light soy sauce, cook for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat.

3. Transfer pork belly mixture into a pot, add water, bring to boil over high heat. Add the hard boiled eggs and "Jin Lan" sauce (or dark soy sauce), mix well, let it cook for 35 minutes over medium heat.
把花肉材料转移锅里,注入清水,大火煮沸。加入熟鸡蛋及油膏(黑酱油)拌匀 ,以中火煮35分钟。

4. Mix in crushed rock sugar, cover with lid, simmer over low heat for 1 1/2 hours until pork belly pieces are tender and the gravy is thick. Dish out, serve at once.
加入冰糖碎拌匀,盖上,改用小火焖1 1/2小时至花肉松软入味及收汁,即可上桌。


猪肉砵,食谱, 名食谱

Pork is a quite common ingredient for Chinese home dishes. Each and every family sure owns a yummy pork recipe that all family members love. This Bean Paste Braised Pork Belly would be one of those. Other than the well braised pork meats, the gravy would be the highlight! Spare your stomach capacity for more rice!

Ingredients A | 材料 A:400g pork belly with skin | 带皮五花肉 400克, 5 garlic cloves (sliced) | 蒜瓣 5粒(切片), 1 tsp chopped red shallot | 红葱茸 1小匙, 1/2 tbsp salted black bean | 豆豉 1 大匙, 1 tbsp salted bean paste | 豆酱 1 大匙, 500ml water | 清水 500毫升

Ingredients B | 材料 B: 2 bird’s eye chilies (diced) | 朝天椒 2条(切粒), 2 stems spring onion (diced) | 青葱 2根(切粒)

Seasoning | 调味料:1 tbsp light soy sauce | 生抽 1大匙, 1 tsp caster sugar / or crushed rock sugar | 砂糖/ 或冰碎糖 1小匙

Method | 做法:
1. Cut pork belly into convenient pieces, blanch in boiling water. Dish out, drain well.

2. Heat up 1 tbsp cooking oil in a preheated wok to sauté garlic and shallot over low heat. Add pork belly, salted black bean and salted bean paste, stir well aromatic.

3. Add water and seasoning, bring to boil over high heat. Cover with lid, reduce to low heat. Let it simmer for 40 minutes until pork belly is tender and the sauce is thick. Remove from heat, sprinkle with diced chilies and spring onion. Serve hot.


香辣煎明虾,食谱,明虾, 煎, 辣, 名食谱
Ingredients | 材料500g king prawns | 明虾 500克, 50g chopped ginger | 姜茸 50克 , 1 tbsp chopped garlic / 蒜茸 1大匙, 2 dried red chilies (soaked, halved) | 辣椒干 2条(泡软,切半), 1 tbsp cooking oil | 食油 1大匙, 1 tbsp butter | 牛油 1大匙

Marinade | 腌料: 2 tbsp oyster sauce | 蚝油2大匙, 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine | 绍兴酒1大匙, 1 tsp cornstarch | 粟粉1小匙, Sugar to taste |砂糖少许

Seasoning | 调味料:1 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce | 黑酱油 1 1/2大匙

Method | 做法:
1 .Cut the prawns from back and devein. Rinse and pat-dry, season it with marinade, mix well, and marinate prawns in refrigerator overnight, set aside.
明虾从背部切开,去除肠泥,清洗干净,抹干水份。加人腌料涂抹均匀,放人冰箱腌渍隔夜, 备用。

2.Heat 1 tbsp cooking oil in wok to sauté ginger over low heat, add garlic, chilies and butter, stir-fry briskly until fragrant and the butter is melt.
镬里烧热1大匙食油,小火爆香姜茸。加人蒜 、辣椒干和牛油,蝙炒香浓至牛油溶化。

3. Add marinated prawns and dark soy sauce, toss well, cover with lid. Simmer it over medium heat for 30 seconds, reduce to low heat. Let it simmer until the prawns are cooked through, and the sauce is almost absorbed or dry. Remove from heat, serve at once.


娘惹,食谱,蒸, 鸡球, 素鸡球, 名食谱

Are we just gonna keep going on with pork dishes? No worries, “Steamed Vegetarian Dishes” recipe book will teach you how to eat yummy and also eat healthy!


Nyonya Vegetarian Chicken Balls is sourish spicy, you can add in any vegetables you want to make the dish taste better!

Ingredients | 材料:200g vegetarian chicken balls | 素香酥鸡球200克, 100g tomatoes (wedged) | 番茄100克(切角), 1 green chili (sliced) | 青辣椒1条(切片), 2 blades kaffir lime leaf (finely shredded) | 疯柑叶2片(切丝), 1 tbsp fresh lime juice | 酸柑汁 1大匙, 2 tbsp thick coconut milk | 浓椰浆2大匙, 3 tbsp water | 清水3大匙

Seasoning | 调味料: 2 tbsp homemade Nyonya curry paste | 自制娘惹咖哩酱2大匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 砂糖1/2 小匙, 1/2 tsp salt | 盐1/2 小匙

Method | 做法:
1. Mix vegetarian chicken balls with the tomatoes, green chili, kaffir lime leaves, coconut milk, water and seasoning, mix well.
把素鸡球、番茄、青辣椒、疯柑叶丝、椰装、 清水和调味料拌匀。

2. In a preheated steamer, put in vegetarian chicken balls mixture. Covered with lid, and let it steam for 15 minutes over high heat. Remove from heat, add in lime juice and top with a little shredded kaffir lime leaves. Serve hot.
预热蒸炉,放入素鸡球,盖上,大火蒸15分钟 。离火,加入酸柑汁及撒上少许疯柑叶丝,即可上桌。


娘惹,食谱,蒸, 鸡球, 素鸡球, 名食谱

Black fungus is full of nutrients and it has the unique crisp that adds texture to the dishes. Let’s learn this Black Fungus Steamed Chicken for a healthier eating lifestyle!

Ingredients | 材料:200g vegetarian chicken | 香酥鸡200克 , 10g Cordyceps flower | 虫草花10克, 5g dried black fungi (soaked) | 干云耳5克(清水泡软), 3 nos fresh Shiitake mushroom (shredded) | 鲜冬菇(切丝)3朵 , 1 tbsp shredded ginger | 姜丝1大匙, 1 tbsp wolfberries (soaked) | 枸杞(泡软)1大匙

Seasoning sauce (mix well) | 调味汁料(拌匀): 2 tsp Angelica powder/ “Dang Gui” powder | 当归粉 2小匙, 1 tbsp light soy sauce | 酱油 1大匙, 1/4 tsp caster sugar | 砂糖 1/4 小匙 , 1/4 tsp pepper | 胡椒粉1/4 小匙, 1/8 tsp sesame oil | 麻油 1/8 小匙, 50ml water | 清水 50毫升

Method | 做法:
1. Soak Cordyceps flower into cool water until soften, dish out and squeeze out the excess water.

2. Mix vegetarian chicken with Cordyceps flower, black fungi, mushrooms, shredded ginger, wolfberries and seasoning, marinate for 20 minutes.

3. Arrange the mixture onto a shallow dish, steam in a preheated steamer for 10 minutes over high heat. Remove from heat, serve hot.


香椿,食谱,蒸, 金菇, 豆包卷, 名食谱, 香椿酱蒸金菇豆包卷

Many people do not know what is Toona Sinensis, it is actually a herb that’s high in nutrients, and is commonly made into sauce. Toona Sinensis Sauce Steamed Enokitake Mushrooms ‘Dou Bao’ Rolls is a healthy dish that gathered all nutritious ingredients in one plate. Try this recipe!

Ingredients A | 材料A:6 “DouBao” | 豆包 6片, 1 package fresh Enokitake mushrooms | 鲜金针菇1包, 50g carrot (striped) | 红萝卜50克(切条), 80g vegetarian ham | 素火腿80克 , some continental parsley (blanch in the boiling water until soften, drain and torn) | 芹菜梗 适量 (沸水烫软,撕成幼条)

Ingredients B (mix well) | 材料B(拌匀):2 tbsp homemade Toona Sinensis sauce | 香椿酱2大匙, 1 tbsp light soy sauce | 酱油 1大匙, 1/2 tsp mushroom seasoning powder | 香菇精 1/2 大匙 , 2 tbsp water | 清水2大匙

Toona Sinensis sauce ingredients | 香椿汁材料:1/2 tbsp homemade Toona Sinensis sauce | 香椿酱1/2大匙, 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce | 酱油1/2大匙, 1/2 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce | 素蚝油1/2大匙, 150ml water | 清水150毫升

Method | 做法:
1. Cut vegetarian ham into strips, and pan-fry in a sauce pan with a little hot oil until fragrant. Dish out and drain well.

2. Open the "Dou Bao" and cut into half, put in some Enokitake mushrooms, carrot and vegetarian ham. Roll up, tie with continental parsley. (repeat with the rest of 'Dou Bao" and ingredients)

3. Arrange "Dou Bao" rolls onto steaming plate, spoon in ingredients B mixture on top. Steam in a preheated steamer for 10 minutes over high heat.

4. In a sauce pan, bring Toona Sinensis sauce ingredients to boil, pour sauce onto "Dou Bao" rolls. Serve hot.


芋头,食谱,蒸, 莲藕, 鸭, 名食谱, 气压芋头双莲焖鸭食谱

Ever bought a pressure cooker but never use it even once? This recipe will let you utilize it! Pressure cooker can save up a lot of time in cooking especially for braised dishes like this one, braised duck that usually needs many hours to be done. Now you can cook this dish easily using a pressure cooker!

Ingredients | 材料:500g duck meat (chunked) | 鸭肉500克(剁大块), 60g dried lotus seeds | 莲子60克, 200g lotus root (peeled, sliced) | 莲藕200克(削皮,切片), 200g taro | yam (peeled, cut in pieces) | 芋头200克(削皮,切块), 6 garlic cloves | 蒜瓣6粒, 500ml water | 清水500毫升, Some cornstarch solutions | 粟粉水适量

Seasoning | 调味料:2 tbsp light soy sauce | 酱油2大匙, 2 tbsp oyster sauce | 蚝油2大匙, 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce | 黑酱油1/2大匙, 15g rock sugar | 冰糖15克

Method | 做法:
1. Blanch duck chunks in boiling water, dish out and drain.

2. Deep-fry taro in hot oil until fragrant and golden in colour. Dish out and drain.
芋头用热油略炸一会至香浓及金黄色 ,捞起,沥油。

3. ln a pressure cooker, add all ingredients and seasoning, add water. Close and lock the lid of the pressure cooker.
把所有材料和调味料加入气压锅里, 注入清水,把气压锅盖紧。

4. Place the pressure cooker on the stove, bring to boil over high heat until the red indicator safety valve is rise up. Then, lower the heat immediately, let it cook for 20 minutes.
将气压锅放到火炉上,大火煮沸至安全指示器(红针)升起,改用慢火继续煮 20分钟。

5. Remove from heat, maintain it pressure cooking. When time is up the indicator safety valve is drop. Open the cooker cover by releasing the pressure through the valve.
离火,待气压锅的指示器(红针)下降 后,慢慢把锅盖打开。

6. Reboil over high heat, thicken the gravy with a little cornstarch solutions. Dish out, serve hot.
再次大火煮滚,加入适量粟粉水勾芡 ,即可盛起食用。


鲛鱼,食谱,臭豆, 名食谱, 鲛鱼臭豆食谱

Put your hands up if you're a fan of Petai! Petai is a bit smelly but it can be used to cook many awesome dishes other than sambal belacan. Let's try this recipe with mackerel fish!

Ingredients / 材料:1 kg mackerel fish / “ikan tengiri” | 鲛鱼/西刀鱼 1公斤, “Petai” 50g (halved) | 臭豆 50克(剥开), 80g big onion | 洋葱 80克, 3 tbsp cooking oil | 食油 3大匙, 300ml water | 清水 300毫升

Chili paste ingredients | 辣椒糊材料:6 red shallots | 红葱头 6粒, 3 cloves garlic | 蒜瓣 3粒, 3cm ginger | 生姜 3公分, 2 bird’s eye chilies | 朝天椒 2条, 3 green chilies | 青辣椒 3条, 2 bunch fresh coriander leaves | 芫荽 2根(取叶), 50ml water | 清水 50毫升, 3 tbsp cooking oil | 食油 3大匙

Seasoning | 调味料1 tsp salt | 盐 1 小匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 砂糖 1/2 小匙, 1 tsp “ikan bilis” granules | 江鱼仔调味精 1 小匙

Method | 做法:
1. Rinse mackerel, cut in pieces. Season it with 1 tsp salt. Set it aside.

2. Place the chili paste ingredients in a food processor, and blend into smooth chili paste.

3. Deep-fry mackerel pieces in hot oil until slightly golden and cooked, dish up, drain and set aside.

4. Remain 1 tbsp hot oil in wok, stir fry chili paste over low heat until the chili oil is separates. Add water and “petai”, let it simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat.

5. Add in mackerel, mix well. Stir-fry to cook for another 3 minutes. Dish up, serve hot.


番茄,食谱,芝士,培根,名食谱, 番茄芝士培根蛋糕食谱

Tomato, bacon and cheese, combining these 3 ingredients to make a cake, are you kidding me? No, not kidding! This combination makes awesome cake, try this recipe to prove it right!

Ingredients | 材料:130g cream cheese | 奶油芝士 130克, 100g butter | 牛油 100克, 80g caster sugar | 细砂糖 80克, 1/4 tsp salt | 盐 1/4小匙, 2 eggs | 鸡蛋 2个, 180g plain flour | 普通面粉 180克, 4g baking powder | 发粉 4克 , 2g bicarbonate of soda | 苏打粉 2克, 40g bacon (chopped) | 培根 40克(切碎), 30g olive (chopped) | 橄榄 30克(切碎), 70g sundried tomato (sliced) | 干晒番茄 70克(切片), 30g grated cheddar cheese | 巧达芝士碎 30克

Method | 做法:
1. Grease and line base of an oval baking tin. Preheat oven to 160° C.
准备一个椭圆形烤盘,涂上油,底部 铺上油纸,预热烤箱160° C。

2. Beat cream cheese, butter, sugar and salt until light and fluffy.

3. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

4. Fold in sifted flour, baking powder and soda. Then fold in chopped bacon, olive and sundried tomato. Mix until forms batter.
拌人筛过的面粉、发粉和苏打粉,然后加入切碎的培根、橄榄和干晒番茄, 拌匀成面糊。

5. Spoon batter into prepared mould. Sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on top.

6. Bake in oven for 60-100 minutes.
盛入烤箱烘约60- 100分钟。

番茄,食谱,芝士,培根,名食谱, 番茄芝士培根蛋糕食谱
Famous Cuisine名食谱
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