03-7804 2960
03-7805 1931
03 7804 6436
Opening Hours
10:00 - 16:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 16:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcohol served
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Assorted Baked Pastries Nyonya Kuih Quinche
Review (14)
Level4 2016-03-23
Back here again, but this time for tea! So, I decided to order something light - Chendol and Rojak. Since, the weather is just blazing hot..The chendol here is unique. Unique in the sense that they include chunks of aloe vera as one of the ingredient. I have always tried chendol with red beans and corn but never aloe vera; and I must say, it is a pretty interesting and delicious combination! A 'must try', I would say  As for the Rojak, initially I thought it was a fruit rojak since I kept eating fruits, then I realised there was sotong in it too! Such a fusion between the fruit rojak and the indian rojak, I loved it! Felt as if I was enjoying the best of both worlds. Besides that, instead of using prawn crackers, they used the fish cracker, which I would say is a bonus for me as I have always favour fish cracker as compared to prawn cracker. This is defintely another 'must try'  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-05
炒冬粉的味道也是不错,面条炒得非常的软,不过也不会绵掉,刚刚好。炒冬粉的用料还满多,可以吃到很多的蔬菜类配料。感觉比较清新。面条吃起来锅气十足,味道有点微辣。厨师还做了一个可爱的青瓜盛着辣椒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-28
Chocolate ice blended. Bayu Timor has opened for the longest time in the neighbourhood and recently I just made my first visit to the place. The furniture has some "antics" feel to me and it was wooden in nature. The ice blended chocolate was thick but somewhat diluted, the chocolate taste was not too strong. It was slightly sweet. It would fare better if the chocolate taste is stronger. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-16
Bayu Timor cafe is a restaurant located at Taman Megah in Petaling Jaya. This is a restaurant servings a wide variety of western and Uniquely Malaysian cuisines. Noodles and rice are available here.TeaABCNyonya Kuih A nice sticky sweet kuihAssorted Baked Pastries Unfortunately, they baked this over time causes it to be burned but luckily it was not tasted bitter yet because the filings inside was tasty, so it covered the burned surface.Credits to: EVERYDAY FOOD I LOVE continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)