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Signature Dishes
Crispy Popiah Egg Roll Popiah
Review (8)
Level4 2013-09-06
SisterS Crispy Popiah is the most recognized brand for popiah and their franchise chains are available in major shopping malls with more than 10 outlets or kiosk nationwide. SisterS Crispy Popiah @ Mid Valley kiosk has a new look and relocated in front of the pizza restaurant. This kiosk is for take-away service only, as they do not provide dining area.The staff is showing her expertise and capability of making ten popiahs at one go. The staff was very skillful in wrapping the popiah with its various ingredients and fillings without tearing the thin layer popiah skin. Then, carefully and equally cut the popiah rolls into smaller pieces.At SisterS Crispy Popiah, two types of popiah available here are Crispy Popiah and Egg Roll Popiah. The basic ingredients for both are the same except for the popiah skin. The Egg Roll Popiah is RM3.40 per roll, 20 cents extra compared to the normal Crispy Popiah, as they uses egg crepe for popiah skin. The Egg Roll Popiah was very tasty and yummy with combination of sweet savory turnip, crispy crunch fillings and fragrant aroma egg crepe. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-16
Sisters Crispy Popiah @ Mid Valley Megamall. they actually a small stall and i always saw this kind of popiah stall around klang valley in almost all shopping mal. quite famous and also have another one in kl festival if i am not mistaken. the price is as usual is not cheap but the popiah is very crispy. can choose for spicy or non spicy and usually i take the normal type and no additional item. very fresh and sometime need to queue up., i remember i went to sogo shopping mall there is one stall there at the food court area, i need to queue for 15 minutes to get my popiah for only two pieces. their business is so good and everyone who want to buy it have to queue so long. the popiah skin is nice and well wrap inside the ingredients and nicely cut . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-01
I have to say, Sisters Popiah has the best popiah I have ever eaten, ever!!! I still remembered when it first opened at Mid Valley about 7-8 years ago, I never once leave Mid Valley without dropping by their stall and ordering at least 2 rolls (either eat on the spot or takeaway). yes, it's that addictive. It still do well at the mall nowadays, that's certainly testimony to how good it is. I love the egg roll popiah.. The egg crepe used to wrap the popiah is finely sliced yet crispy and definitely super tasty. I totally love the filling.. cooked sweet turnips, fried shallots and sesame.. with generous dashes of chilli sauce makes the best popiah ever! p.s- you can order without the chilli too, the sweet sauce itself is fantastic! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-25
Sisters Crispy Popiah is a popular chain booth selling popiah around Kuala Lumpur shopping malls. I have seen it in a few places before but don't really notice it.One day my mother was craving for some popiah after seeing this stall. So we decided to grab one to try.It was a great light snack.theres some crispy fried dices and some nice smell white sesame in order to make the popiah taste more unique from the traditional popiah.So , i think that whats it to outstanding continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-30
Sister crispy popiah is a chain kiosk which served popiah and they have kiosk at most of the shopping mall such as Sunway Pyramid shopping mall, Midvalley Megamall and etc.This popiah is tasty and nice.The popiah skin is really thin and the sweet sauce is tasty.This tasty turnip,cucumber, egg, tau kua and some crunchiness wrapped with popiah skin. The cooked turnip is taste sweet. When you bite it, it's really crispy and delicious. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)