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Signature Dishes
Steamed Fish with Spicy Bean Sauce
Review (1)
Level1 2015-06-24
The Fish head is very tasty and flavourful. Served with rice. My mum love this place. It's a recommended place for elderly and family with elderly. The restaurant is managed by a group of sisters and they can be pretty grumpy. Taking pictures of the restaurant and the dish is a no-no. You will be scolded if the sisters seen you taking it. I overheard one of them scolded a patron for taking photo, "we have enough publicity and have enough customers! We don't need more!" Which is true cos the place haS very limited seats, If you intended to go, I suggest you to go best before 12pm. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)