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Signature Dishes
Boxing Chicken Drummets Butter Cheesy Fish Rice Lei Cha with Brown Rice Special Fried Rice Sweet and Sour Fish
Review (7)
Level4 2013-10-06
Honey Stir-Fried ChickenWell, I guess this plate of Honey Stir-Fried Chicken is not so lucky feedback wise, for it doesn’t really live up to the minimum expectation. Since it is said to be of honey stir-fried variety, am actually looking forward to some sweet and sour taste rather than perfectly or purely with honey flavor. But the gravy that is used not a single part that actually offers the zesty tang. It’s more like a diluted tomato sauce to me that is being doused on top of the fried chicken cutlets. Presentation wise is still mediocre, but seriously, taste for this fare need to be improved. Having said that, am still pretty happy with its other 20 types of arrays including Lei Char, and this won’t hamper me from visiting again. As the adage goes, don’t let a rotten apple spoils the whole basket right? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-06
Today when i bump into the rabbit cafe to have a lunch with my colleague after we finish meeting with the clients, so here we are ordering the lunch set meal, i ordered the "ah chat" as my side dish and the cheesy fish fillet as my main one. The sauce is quite cheesy but not a very strong one and the "ah chat" is quite fresh and strong in its sauce flavor, a dish of my choice, i like it~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)