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Review (2)
很早之前已经听闻过这家原店在蕉赖友力的宫廷之米线主打的米线全是从香港进口,以确保米线的品质与口感。我在好几个地方都看到他们家的分店,既然那么多分行那么食物应该不赖吧? 走入店里看到店里光线充足,大热天的这里还有冷气,翻开餐牌发现食物价钱也不贵,心里不禁非常高兴。不过随即那位帮我们点餐的服务生姐姐爱理不理的态度马上就让我的好心情打了个折扣,明明店里这个时候客人量根本不多可是叫了好几次服务员才甘愿来点餐,还不断翻白眼,哇! 真让人生气。原先想点腐竹薏米和罗汉果来消暑,不过想点的通通没有,最让我窝火的还有眼前的小辣椒碎罐子里头有一只死苍蝇 -_-" 要不是食物已经吃了一大半我还真的会夺门而出! 肉碎干捞米线- RM5.85米线有点像拉长了的老鼠粉,白皙Q弹,滑溜顺口,一吸就跑进嘴里,用来拌米线的肉碎有很香的猪油味,味道不错。皮蛋水饺- RM2.95/ 颗水饺的体积很大,包住的皮蛋足足有1/4颗! 肉馅也调味得当, 虽然泡在汤里头皮都不会烂烂的,好吃归好吃,不过看下那价钱。。感觉不值得,两颗水饺等于之前的那碗肉碎干捞米线了 ><清汤云吞水饺贵妃面- RM7.95弹牙爽口的贵妃面就好像竹升面般好吃,清汤,水饺和云吞都有水准,清淡得来不会很寡口,很喜欢那面的口感。整体的用餐经验偏下,虽然食物ok不过服务员的态度和清洁程度也是很重要的,凭什么要我花钱买罪受?♡♡KC continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-01-07
I visited New Palace Rice Vermicelli in Sri Petaling yesterday. It was roughly 9 something in the morning but already hard for me to get a car park space. Luckily I got one soon after this.Wonder what to eat so just randomly walk in to this restaurant. It was already working time some more weekday so not really many people are dining. I ordered a In House dumpling vermicelli and a century egg dumpling vermicelli.Thanks to less people the rice vermicelli were served in a very short time. The In House dumpling rice vermicelli contains two big dumplings some minced pork and some scallions. The soup was clean and had a clear taste. The rice vermicelli was slightly different compared to other vermicelli, a little thicker and smoother. The dumpling filling was made buy a shrimp, minced pork, water chestnut and some coriander. Though it was only two but due to its large size I was very full. Whereas the sentury egg dumpling rice vermicelli the dumpling inside contain a big peice ogf century egg too. It had 2 dumplings in side the bowl so don't worry. Overall, not bad la! Since i don't really heavy taste, this is quite suitable for me as I don't feel very burdensome. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)