03-9080 2613
Opening Hours
08:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
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Open Till Late
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Braised Mutton Rice Grilled Fusion Salmon Seafood White Tomyam
Review (8)
Level3 2013-11-06
Have you been to D'Rich before? Some might have noticed one of their branch in SS2 Petaling Jaya which is one of their largest branch among the four branches in Klang Valley. Anyway, here's some story behind this brilliant food place. D'Rich is a story of a group of food lovers. This group of food lovers and their love for food spurred an out-of-the-box thinking. Partnering with Master Chef Yong, they created food that's good and pleasing to the senses.D'Rich Rainbow Salad RM9.90A lot of people thought vegetable is good for health but did you know that one must eat different types and colours of vegetable? Each different color fruit and vegetables contains unique health components that are essential to our health as seen in the color wheel or chart. The D'Rich Rainbow Salad suits the statement and taste good too with only olive oil and other natural ingredients.D'Rich Pumpkin Soup RM6.90Enough with the introduction, let's proceed to the first dish we had. The D'Rich Pumpkin Soup as the first appetizer is rich with nutrient and vitamin A. The thickness of the pumpkin soup went very well with the crispiness of the bread. Eat it while it's still hot!Special Egg in Bread RM5.80For those who wanted to have eggs for breakfast, the Special Egg in Bread is for you. Filled with two soft boiled egg, it's an ideal meal for those who prefer to have a light breakfast.Sambal Petai Fried Rice RM10.90One of the fastest emptied plate for the evening was the Sambal Petai Fried Rice. For those who loves petai, this is a choice that you must order. The goodness of every bite was really satisfying along side with the fried onions.Char Koay Teow Mee (with salted egg) RM8.90For those who are craving for this signature Penang food, you can now have it in D'Rich! The Char Koay Teow Mee with salted egg is one of the best I had try in Klang Valley. The spiciness and the fragrance of the char koay teow increase my appetite to finish the whole thing myself.D'Rich Seafood White Tom Yam RM13.90Time for the main courses, first in the list is the D'Rich Seafood White Tom Yam. The clear white tom yam is made from a blend of 10 herbs and spices, seafood, vegetables and mee hoon. I quite like the taste of the soup, the prawn and lala but it would be better if it's more spicy.They decicatedly strive to provide the best value in terms of food quality, excellence service in a comfortable and cozy dining environment and unique experience - that's why they are bold enough to say that they are the King of Good Food! Overall, the food is quite good and I think the place is pretty relaxing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-07-26
We then are being served with a fragrant nasi lemak which the side dishes of Mutton Curry as well as ikan bilis and sambal together. The meal had brought a delectable fragrance taste from the rice as well as the mutton is simply tender as well. As for the rice, D Rich had made a good solution for families and it is simply healthy meal to have too. There is a choice of white rice, chicken rice, and the rich Brown rice to choose if they does not prefer the santan rice.Price: RM 12.90 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-28
I decided to try this restaurant due to its tagline “King of Good Food” and also after browsing through the menu and found the price is really affordable. I started off with some Pumpkin soup, which cost RM 6.90 a bowl. The pumpkin soup is surprisingly thick and smell good due to some herbs as well. I added a little bit of black pepper before taking a sip and gosh, it tasted really nice. It must be much better if there are some garlic bread to dip inside the thick soup. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-11
Ordered an Orange Smoothies for the hot day. The orange smoothies was refreshing and cooling, just right for me to cool down. The orange smoothies tasted slightly sourish, but not too sourish till unbearable. The smoothies was actually very smooth and nice to drink. The ice were very fine and melt slowly. The drink does not feel diluted at all. I just prefer it to be sweeter rather than sourish. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)