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03-2141 6126
Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
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Signature Dishes
Egg Tart
Review (8)
Level4 2016-08-15
在Pavillion 地层的食肆一处,价钱便宜,每个塔的价钱是RM2-3 不等,新出的日式蛋塔是RM4.9, 贵了少少不过还可以。我看了看他们的展示柜,塔的体积普通,不过高度就好像比外头的矮了点,可能是因为这样才可以卖便宜点?不管怎样,听说他们的榴莲塔不错,虽然下午茶吃那么多塔很犯罪,不过我还是很贪心地要了个盒子,一口气选了4个口味的塔,打算带回家泡杯茶慢慢享受午后点心 Left Up- Oat Almond tart, Left Down- Durian Tart, Right up- Original Egg tart, Right Down- Portuguese egg tartDurian tart整个给我的感觉只有甜,榴莲的味道有点像香精调配出来的,没有什么真实感,咬开的榴莲塔也没有什么果肉,吃了这个我对剩下的3个完全丧失了信心 Portuguese egg tart奶味是够的,不过这个的皮和蛋奶馅的搭配没办法突出葡式蛋塔的特色,塔皮不脆,整个放了很久了所以塔皮软趴趴,湿湿地,上头烤得有点焦的蛋奶馅非常稀,不是我想像中葡式蛋塔的味道。Oat Almond Tart。。。。。这个是我吃得最无言的,上面的麦片和杏仁片饼干不像饼干,就像是一坨松散的饼屑,一咬就掉满地,我咬了一口就在想我到底吃了什么了?Original Egg Tart这个算是我买的4个蛋塔中味道最好的一个,不过外头比它好吃的实在有太多,没什么特色。一些老字号的蛋塔店家的产品随便一个放冷了也比这个好吃 失望啊!让我最后悔的事是一次过吃太多甜品了,牺牲了热量还要是不好吃,真的如标题所说的- 肠子都悔青了!!!(打脸+苦笑) ♡♡KC continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-14
For starters, I'm crazy over Egg Tarts. So when I came across John King at Pavilion KL's Food Republic Food Court, I was super happy. This little kiosk sells so many different varieties of egg tarts its' crazy. I love their Original Egg Tarts, Portugese Egg Tarts, Green Tea Egg Tart as well as the super strong flavored Durian Egg Tarts. Super yummy! I heard their cheese and chocolate are really great options too but I haven't tried them out yet.. should sometime soon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-28
Egg tarts are great for tea time but I usually take them for lunch and this place is one of my favourite places to get them. The picture above is the NZ cheese egg tart and I would assume NZ stands for New Zealand though I may be wrong on that. The cheese flavor was not as strong as I expected but the aroma of the cheese is there. I was expecting the core to be gooey or sticky with molten cheese but it was kinda flaky and dry instead. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-24
The chocolate egg tart is slightly more expensive than the other egg tarts sold there but for me the price is justified as the chocolate filling goes well with the crisp crust of the egg tart. When you bite into it, the filling is still in liquid form and warm chocolate oozes out. The chocolate has a slight tinge of bitterness but overall it is my favourite egg tart here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-09
Being a fanatic fan of cheese, definitely won’t lost a chance to savour any food relating to it, hehe. In fact, it’s in the mind all time, especially when it comes to placing order for food,hehe.So upon the sight of this tart when passing by the Food Republic area, met this unique tart by John King stall. They actually has a varieties of egg tart flavours, but am just enticed by this New Zealand Cheese tart, hehe.I was wondering how to have a silky cheesy egg tart since they need to be baked at higher heat than the usual cheesecake. Then fare enough, the surface of the custard filling is much coarser and it has a drier appearance. Guess this is not the trait that’s going to lure customer trying it in the first place, keke. Nevertheless, the cheesy taste is still there, just that slightly less moist than thel smooth egg custard tart that we usually have. Good try anyhow! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)