06-288 1110
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Wed - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cheesy Curry Butterfly Spaghetti Hong Kong Roasted Pork Mix Veggie Beancurd Roll Mushroom Steak Spicy Pork Belly Sweet & Sour Meat Ball
Review (1)
Level3 2014-06-19
The restaurant is located at one end of a row of shophouses, away from the main street. The restaurant is considered one of the best vegetarian restaurants in town. It is so popular that reservation is recommended especially during the weekend. One may need to queue even after 9pm during weekend. The restaurant is simple in decoration. The table near the counter has packets of dried food for sale.Lily Flower Tea 百合 (RM 10.00/ pot for 1 - 6 paxs)The tea is served in a pot and is refillable. Very full bodied and fruity taste. Tastes naturally sweet too.Kelp Bud Soup (Spirulina) 活力养生海带芽汤 (RM12.00/ Small)The soup has a light and flavourful taste.Seafood Salad 海鲜沙拉 (RM15.00)Served with salad cream, it tastes crunchy and crispy.Vege-KFC 炸鸡块 (RM 5.80)It is quite a surprise hit for everyone. Very crispy.Spicy Szechuen Hedgehog Mushroom 宫保猴头菇 (RM15.00)It does not taste like mushroom in the first bite.Steam Lady's Finger Top with Ginger & Oyster Sauce 姜丝蚝油扒 (RM 10.00)My favourite dish of the meal. The lady's finger is well cooked and does not taste jelat.Man Yuen Oyster Omelette 满缘蚝煎 (RM 10.00)It really tastes like the real thing. Even the chilli paste is nice and tangy.Curry 3-in-1 咖喱3合1 (RM15.00/ Small)Fish, Chicken & MuttonGreat thick and spicy curry.Overall the dishes are very nice for a vegetarian restaurant. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)