All Branches (18)
03-2284 0448
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fried Country Mushrooms Cajun Chickie Marinara Manhattan Fish 'n Chips Curry Hill Seafood Vanilla Milkshake
Review (20)
上个星期逛完美食展后,我和我的同伴们绞尽脑汁的想要到那家餐厅去享用我们的 brunch。在机缘巧合下,我们进入一间名叫The Manhattan Fish Market的餐厅。据说这间餐厅在 Midvalley 挺出名下。这是一间美国式的餐厅他除了销售鱼类食品外还售卖一些 pasta ,烧烤食品等等。素食朋友们也不用担心,这儿还有提供沙拉食品。这儿环境很好,橙黄色的灯光加上寂静的气氛,适合同学聚会或情侣约会。除此之外,他们的服务态度也不比其他餐厅来得逊色。我们叫了Creamy Mushroom Penne。它是通心粉配上蘑菇酱和parmesan cheese。价格是 RM17.50。接着我们也叫了Manhattan Fish 'n Chips。这是他们店里的招牌食物。脆而不硬的薯条加上 mayonnaise 酱简直人间美味。然后他的鱼片上层有着 garlic herba 酱汁,喜欢这酱汁的人可以去尝一尝他家的,别有一番风味。价格为 RM18.50。除了有 garlic herba 酱汁外,爱吃芝士的可以尝试点这份Feeesh 'n Cheeese。连绵不断和浓浓的芝士,让你流连忘返。他的价格也是区区不过 RM19.50而已。我们也叫了一份 Bang Bang。为何叫 Bang bang ?? 这个连我自己都不知道。他有鸡蛋,炸意大利面,薯条等等。对我而言,只不过是普普通通而已。最后,爱吃鱼者又懒惰挑骨头可选择这家餐厅哦!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-09-15
这些全是我的最爱,它给i的分量还蛮多,可以两个人一起分享。我post出来的照片,都是不错的选择。它的鱼肉还挺新鲜,我最爱就是它的cheese,再配薯条,真的超赞。它的还挺特别,不单单只是鱼肉,还有海鲜任你选择再配上饭,想不饱都很难。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-14
每次经过这家manhattan fish market的时候,都很想去试试下,今天终于有机会一试了,我们点了他们的,材料还蛮丰富的,有炸鱼,炸苏东,还有烤虾,那个烤虾还是他们现场用那火焰枪来烤的,而且还有配以美乃滋,所以就特别好吃,在那些丰富的材料下就是他们的烤饭,所以爱吃饭的朋友不用担心没饭吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-27
单凭店的名字(The Manhattan Fish Market)还真的有点难吸引客户前来光顾。尤其是怕腥的朋友更加抗拒来这里。但殊不知,这里的食物足以让人眼前一亮,吃了一口再一口。这里完全没有鱼市场的臭味,只有食物的香味。Tiramisu等甜点都蛮好吃的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-27
Tuscan TiramisuA dinner won’t be complete without any dessert Therefore, we have this Tuscan Tiramisu to end on a sweet note. This is an Italian favourite made with cream cheese and coffee that makes a great way to end a meal. The garnishment is pretty unique with two sticks protruding out which I suppose is fried angel hair There is some spongy cake layers in between the yummy cream cheese and also coffee powder as the topping. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)