03-7734 3192
Opening Hours
08:00 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 20:00
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Review (14)
Level1 2016-04-17
环境不错,可能下午天气太热了,店里的空调不太冷。服务生有两位,态度良好。坐下一会儿服务生即递上菜单,有两种选择:单点及套餐(附送一杯饮料-Chilled juice)。食物方面,我喜欢他们家的Chicken pesto sandwich!吐司吃进口很香、皮也很脆,再搭上芝士、鸡肉片、pesto酱--好吃!Good morning Australia的话,吐司同样很脆很香、牛肉培根硬度适中、搭上牛油果和水煮嫩蛋,一起吃进口--整个味道蛮特别的【点这道菜是因为牛油果美颜啊】至于Chai Latte,味道很特别,喝起来的感觉就像是肉桂+牛奶…【男朋友很接受不到它的味道,哈哈哈哈哈】 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-09-08
Crave Cafe is located at the Oasis Ara Damansara , Ara Damansara. Crave cafe is an Australian style cafe promoting Toby's Estate Coffee with a range of Western and fusion cuisine. They claimed that the coffee is fully imported from the "Land Down Under" via our neigbouring country "Singapore".Chai Latte , spiced tea mixed with milk that's steamed from an espresso machine. The soft foamy texture from the steamed milk adds to the Chai is unforgettable. You really have to try this. Dirty Chai Latte is a Chai Latte added the coffee powder to suit the needs of coffee lover. You can choose to have the Chai Latte in cold or hot. They served breakfast and lunch with wide range of Western and fusion style. But, the Australian breakfast is owesome. We have Chicken Pesto Sandwich , Good morning Australia and Crave's big breakfast. All the bread is wholesome bread and most of the ingredient are homemade including the sauce. I like the homemade baked bean very much. Crave's Aussie Burger , you can have layers of roasted pineapple, beef bacon, beef patty , beetroot , sunny side egg and cheddar cheese with the artisan loaf.Honey Glazed Roasted Chicken , a dish you would never forget. When you first bite, the skin is so crispy and the pure honey taste come with the juicy chicken make you can't wait for the second bite. Thumbs up for this dish. Must try.Seabass with spicy Cream Sauce is fried Seabass served with butter herbs rice and vegetables. The sauce and the rice are spicy. Recommend to the spicy lover. Good food must come with the nice desserts. Crave Cafe served cakes and ice cream. Nutella Mille Crepe is a cake you must try here. This is Hazelnut Torte which for people who like nuts.Daily Scoop ice cream is something special for people who likes ice cream. We have salted caramel (taste saltiness) and rocky road (taste like chocolate) to cool you down after the satisfied meal. There are also other flavours available. For people who doesn't like ice Cream and cake , you can enjoy a cup of Latte before you leave. IMG:11]  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-09-08
It was a pleasant morning to go out and enjoy a decent brunch in a cozy cafe. Crave cafe is located in Oasis square, Ara Damansara. Oasis square has a concept like a boulevard which consists of all kinds of cafea and restaurants as well as some other commercial activities. It is quite easy accessible and the traffic was ok on a Saturday morning. Parking fees is require here and they are charging RM1 per entry on weekends and public holidays which I found to be quite decent and you can just relax and enjoy your coffee whole day here. Here you may find a fountain type scenery and it would nice to walk around here to enjoy a breezy weekend morning. Chai Latte or Dirty Chai Latte is a special drink that you may find in Crave. Chai drink is something that you may not find in most of the cafes and this is my first time tasting it. As it don't really take coffee, I opted for Ice Chai Latte instead. The taste was special and I think it's still within my acceptance level. This is the Chicken PestoGood Morning Australia! - served with two poached eggs with beef bacon, avocado puree and feta cheese with wholemeal Artisan bread. The whole combination is just nice and filling. Honey Glazed Roast Chicken - baked quarter chicken served with homemademash potato abd grilled garden vegetables. This dish did amaze me as the chicken was roasted just nice, not too dry the meat and the skin was crispy. With the sauce, it was just perfect. Just that the chicken was a bit skinny.Crave's BIg Breakfast - 2 sunny side up eggs, bratwurst sausage, beef bacon, baked beans, roasted cherry tomatoes and mushroom served with wholemeal artisan bread. It would be much better if the mushroom and cherry tomatos could be served in bigger portion.Crave's Aussie Burger - homemade beef patty, topped with beef bacon, cheese, egg, tomato, pineapple, and beetroot served with fries. It was indeed a very filling burger..Haha.It's dessert time and we are served 2 types of cakes, which is Hazelnut Macaron Torte and Nutella Mille Crepe. Both are ok. Hazelnut Macaron Torte has more texture while Nutella Mille Crepe really has a Nutella taste. Not a bad dessert. Selling at RM10 per slice, each.Last but not least, it's ice cream time. According to the shop, it was their homemade ice cream. They have green tea flavour, apple crumble flavor, rocky road flavor and salted caramel flavor. I personally would prefer rocky road where you can find nuts and marshmallow inside the ice-cream. The green tea flavor is abit lacking of the green tea taste.Crave would be a place that you could spend your Sunday morning, relaxing your mind and enjoying your coffee there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-07
Oasis Square 对于很多人来说是下班后欢乐时光的好去处,包括我。因为不太熟悉这一带,所以也没想过要在白天的时候过来觅食。这次承蒙 Openrice 的邀请,我和另外几位部落客造访了 Crave Cafe,也尝试了不少他们的不同于一般的拿手料理。Crave Cafe 开业近两年,一直很受附近一带白领的欢迎。老板因为曾经在澳洲念书,受到那里的美食和咖啡文化的熏陶,而在回国之后开了一家融合澳洲风味的小餐厅兼咖啡馆。Crave Cafe 里面的空间很宽敞,各个角落更是被设计成不同的风格,感觉上很适合和女生朋友一起窝在沙发上,一边聊八卦,一边喝下午茶。看到墙上这幅地图,我完全可以感受得到老板对于澳大利亚的那份热爱,我也很怀念我的墨尔本之旅啊!眼尖的美女部落客 Thea 发现了餐牌上的饮料名单有 Chai Latte,这可是 Crave Cafe 的招牌饮料,在一般的咖啡馆不常见到的,但是在澳洲却算是蛮普遍的。Chai Latte 是源自于印度的一种红茶,里面集合了豆蔻、茴香、肉桂和丁香等等的香料,冲泡出来之后会带有一股独特的香气。今时今日,要冲泡一杯 Chai Latte 当然不需要准备多种香料那么麻烦。老板特别从新加坡进口了 Chai Me 作为冲泡的原料,闻起来有淡淡的香料味道。Chai Latte - RM10 , Dirty Chai Latte - RM12Chai Latte 喝起来香滑顺口,因为上面洒了一些肉桂粉,所以肉桂的香味特别明显。至于另一个招牌饮料 Dirty Chai Latte 则是 Chai Latte 混合了咖啡,味道更丰富了。我个人比较偏好 Dirty Chai Latte,咖啡、牛奶和香料的味道拿捏得很好,谁也抢不了谁的光。Chicken Pesto Sandwich - RM11接着,经理为我们介绍了几款倍受欢迎的健康早餐料理。Chicken Pesto Sandwich 里头有鸡胸肉和他们自己调配的 pesto 酱汁,我还是第一次看到这么墨绿色的 pesto 酱,够香而不腻。夹层里还放了半溶化的芝士,配搭烤得香脆的 Five seeds Artisan loaf,谁说健康的就不好吃啊?Good Morning Australia - RM16第一眼看到 Good Morning Australia 的那一刻,我眼睛瞪得大大的,这么多的酪梨 avocado,是真的吗?全麦吐司面包上铺了厚厚一层的 avocado 酱,而且老板坚持使用品质好的澳洲酪梨,可想而知那成本会有多高。那一片牛肉培根看起来像是在半生熟的状态,一开始还让我有点却步。但是吃起来完全没有血淋林的感觉,有培根的咸香味,而且是嫩滑的口感,这个有惊喜哦!鸡蛋一直都是我的最爱,但是之前几次在别的地方吃了很难吃的 poached egg,干巴巴的蛋白和没有蛋味的蛋黄,之后我就跟自己说,以后都不再吃 poached egg 了。不过这里的却做得很好,鲜嫩的蛋白和溜溜的蛋黄,火候拿捏得刚刚好呢!Good Morning Australia 整个盘子上的吐司、酪梨、培根、鸡蛋和 feta cheese 都是我喜欢的食材,以后来这里一定会点这一个!Crave's Big Breakfast - RM22这里的 Big Breakfast 也是很受顾客喜爱的早餐料理之一。最特别的就是他们的茄汁豆,从调配酱料到煮豆都是由他们自己一手一脚包办的。在样样讲求速食的年代,还可以吃到自制的茄汁豆,很难得啊!鸡肉香肠的口感也很赞,咬开来还可以看到一点肉丝,味道也偏向于猪肉香肠的感觉,让人惊艳。Honey glazed roast chicken - RM15试过早餐后,经理又为我们准备了几道主食,其实大家都开始有点饱的说,可是食物一送上来,大家的眼睛又亮起来啦!烤得油亮油亮的大鸡腿,单看卖相就已经很诱人了。最大的亮点是鸡皮的部分,经过烘烤之后一点油脂都没有,鸡皮变得像纸一样薄,整片脆脆的,而且带着蜜糖香,吃了之后也不会有罪恶感。除了鸡腿,配菜也不马虎,有100%的纯马铃薯泥,还有烤胡萝卜和zucchini,很有异国的风味。Crave's Aussie Burger - RM22西式料理当然少不了汉堡,Crave Cafe 的澳式汉堡层层叠叠地放了好多不同的材料,吃完一定很有饱足感。老板还用心地放了一片甜菜 beetroot,给汉堡带来一点健康的元素。自制的牛肉饼如果可以做得 juicy 一点那就更好了。Seabass with spicy cream sauce - RM15对于无饭不欢的朋友,老板也贴心地融入了带有本土风味的饭食在他们的餐单里,其中一样就是这个 Seabass with spicy cream sauce。鱼肉块炸得又香又脆,淋上特制的辣味奶油酱,虽然对我来说是辣了一点,但还是忍不住一口接一口往嘴里边送。搭配的 butter rice 也是散发淡淡的奶油香,和炸鱼块很搭。Nutella mille crepe - RM10来到 cafe,我们也不错过一尝他们家的甜点。女生们看到漂亮的蛋糕,早就把减肥这回事抛到远远的啦!下午茶时段来一片 Nutella 口味的法式千层蛋糕 mille crepe,再配一杯香浓的咖啡,那就再完美不过啦!Hazelnut macaron torte - RM10我喜欢这个 Hazelnut macaron torte,每一口都可以吃到榛果碎,我就是喜欢这种果仁的香气。而且蛋糕不会太甜,奶油、蛋糕和榛果结合在一起的丰富口感,让你一试就爱上!Daily Scoop ice cream - RM7不想吃蛋糕甜点的,可以选择来一杯 Daily Scoop 雪糕,来驱走烟霾带来的闷气。我们当天试了 Rocky Road, Salted Caramel, Apple Crumble 和 Green Tea 口味的雪糕杯,还有很多其他的口味,必有一款合你心意。Crave Cafe 让我感觉到老板对于食物的用心,不因为百物涨价而对食材的要求有所妥协。餐厅里很多美食都加入了澳大利亚餐点中常见的食材,例如甜菜 beetroot、澳洲酪梨和 zucchini 等等的。如果你也想尝尝带有澳大利亚风味的料理,那不妨来 Oasis Square 的 Crave Cafe 试一试啰~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-05
Crave Café, claimed as Australian themed café. Frankly speaking, they really do deserve it.I have never been Australian before, but I could feel the environment through the food they served here. I absolutely love their food that only flavor with natural ingredients; everything is homemade, including the side dishes and even the sauces. Well, I have no reason to say no to this wonderful place! Their signature Dirty Chai Latte (RM12) mixture of spiced chai syrup with Toby's coffee is a unique blend, although syrup is used, but it doesn't taste too sweet. Try their breakfast and opt whichever that come with bread. Their bread is well toasted and it's all wholesome. For their lunch menu, u can't miss to order Honey Glazed Roasted Chicken (RM15) chicken is so tender and juicy with a crispy crust skin. Try it once and you'll be guaranteed to add this to your favorites. My tummy won't satisfy without dessert as an ending. I'm not a big fan of mille crepe, but this fluffy yet melt in your mouth Nutella Mille Crepe (RM10) is another must order item here. Remember to buy some ice cream home from Daily Scoop (RM7) . Salted Caramel flavor is my best loved, the saltinessfrom the ice cream is very interesting and remarkable indeed, something you won't get from other places.Chicken Pesto Sandwich (RM11) served with 5 seeds artisan loaf.Crave's Big Breakfast (RM22) scramble egg, roasted cherry tomatoes& mushroom, bratwurst sausage, beef bacon, harsh brown topped with homemade baked bean, two pieces of wholemeal artisan bread.Good Morning Australia! (RM16) (from top) two pouched egg, beef bacon, avocado puree, feta cheese, wholemeal artisan breadHoney Glazed Roast Chicken (RM15)quarter chicken served with homemade mash potato& grilled garden vegetablesSeabass with Spicy Cream Sauce (RM15)fried seabass chunks served with butter herb rice and vegetablesCrave's Aussie Burger (RM22)homemade beef patty, layer with cheddar cheese, sunny-side egg, roasted pineapple, beef bacon and beetroot, come with homemade fries and saladLatte (RM9) Hazelnut Torte (RM10)Nutella Mille Crepe (RM10) Daily Scoop (RM7) - Salted Caramel & Dark Chocolate continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)