Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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Chee Cheong Fun Koay Teow Teng Meat Bun Penang Pranws Mee
Review (5)
Level4 2016-03-01
The fried Zhu cheong fan that I love was found here. It similar like Cha Kuey Tiao.The uncle was suggested me to add egg so that it won't over oily ...also, I would recommended you all to asked uncle fried will less oil, much more delicious! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
只要到了午餐时间,在槟城峇六拜工业区一带上班的同学们很多时候都会开车到槟城双溪里蒙Sungai Nibong的理旺茶园用午餐,这就是为何小狮称之为打工仔的第二食堂。理旺茶园之所以能够成为打工仔们的第二食堂自然是因为它里头有好几摊口碑都很不错的平民美食,今天就介绍给大家小狮在理旺茶园常吃的几道平民美食。美食一:老招牌亚池现煮西刀鱼丸粿条汤 Tee Koay Teow Soup每家咖啡店都会有一两档生意特别好,可能足以包揽整家咖啡店一半以上的生意额,而亚池现煮西刀鱼丸粿条汤正是理旺茶园的镇店之档。这样说好像有点夸张,不过如果有到过理旺茶园用餐的同学们应该懂小狮的意思,因为一眼望去,几乎有一半以上的顾客都是点他们的粿条汤。如果您也像小狮一样不爱吃粿条,那可以选择快熟面、米粉、黄面或面线。小狮一般都是点大碗米粉汤加鸡蛋RM6.00,配料则有两颗西刀鱼丸、半颗大鱼丸、猪肝、鱼饼、肉碎、两只去壳小虾、猪油渣等。印象中大碗粿条汤的一些额外配料是不会在小碗或中碗见到的,也许因为如此大碗的价格和中碗的价格有点差距。更多关于理旺茶园,请浏览 http://bit.ly/1pNEYEQ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-06-28
The stall which serves the luncheon meat do serves a variety styles of breads which taste quite good too. One of the famous one is of course one of the best picks and I pick them as well for my breakfast today. A light bread which is well toasted with butter and added with the fragrant luncheon meat is indeed a great combination for breakfast.Taste: 4/5Price: RM 1.60 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-24
One of the specialities from the coffee shop is the Koay teow Thngg and I am really love them so much. The Koay Teow Thngg here is one of the specialities which is where the owner is cooking bowl by bowl. If you like to have their Koay Teow Thngg, you may need to wait a little longer. Aside, the speciality is they add egg into the koay teow. The koay teow texture is smooth and I love the hot boiling soup with the minced meat comes together with it. Yummy Taste: 4/5Price: RM 3.50 with egg continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)