03-9222 2203
016-370 8555
Siu Siu Sungai Besi Restaurant specialises in fresh riverfish. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
Wed - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
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Accepts reservations
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
BBQ Char Siu Claypot Crab Rice Stir Fried Kai Lan Stir Fried Prawn with Pumpkin and Salted Egg
Review (28)
Level4 2015-04-12
My friend from church, Wai Cheng first told me about this place as the best for seafood. I googled it and found out it was located quite far away in Sungai Besi area. I actually consider Sg Besi quite far from me so initially I let go of the idea till today that I began to think, ah well, it does not hurt giving it a try. After all, I have run out of places that I have not been in PJ near my housing area. So I tried searching what is famous in this place and found out that they are famous for Milk Curry Prawn, Crabs in Sweet and Chilli Sauce and also Crab in Salted Egg Yolk with mantou and dragon vegetables. Waze brought me there in 14 minutes from my house and boy was I delighted. Mum's first impression when she saw the signboard was that it was the same name like her sister. When we arrived, we were surprised at the beautiful landscape inside the big airy kopitiam even though there was no a/c. There was a big rock with a big waterfall. There are about 4-5 huts where there is 1 table under each hut which makes it like a private room in the open. Naturally, we took 1 hut for our dinner. I realized whatever the bloggers say about the crab in Siu Siu is absolutely true. The crabs are really to die for. They are very fresh and the flesh is very hard and non-breakable type. The old uncle waiter recommended 1 steamed and 1 cooked crab but I opted both to be cooked in different fry styles. The crabs here are humongous so don't be deceived when you order 1 crab because it can be cut into many small pieces that can feed at least 3 pax!I ordered the Salted Egg Crab (RM 72) which this place is well known for. It really has the salted egg just nice on top of the crab without dropping off. If you are a fan of salted egg, you would totally love this one as the saltiness totally permeates the entire crab. If we eat this with porridge, it would have been better since it is salty. The other huge crab was cooked with chilli and sweet sauce (RM 66) which tasted different from the conventional ones. The sauce is good to eat together with 3 fried mantou (RM 3) which is fried till the edges are a little crispy. I personally prefer this than the salted egg crab as I do not like salted egg and merely ordered that because it is famous. I also ordered Green Dragon Vegetables (RM 15-small plate). I love the freshness of this vege. The way the chef cooked still retains the freshness of the vegetables. Of course, even though dad said this might invite high cholesterol into his body, I bowed down to the temptation to order the Claypot Curry Prawn (RM 52) which is Siu Siu's signature dish. It came together with glass noodles inside. Ours had 3 big prawns which were so succulent and juicy and you can still see the prawn eggs intact. The curry is a tad oily as one can see a layer of oil surrounding it. But at least it is great pairing with white rice. The total bill came up to RM 215 before GST. GST was RM 12.90 so the final price was RM 227.90. I guess it is ok for a once-in-a-lifetime experience but then we cannot afford to eat at such high price for only 3 pax so often unless I come with 10 pax in future? Hahahaha  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-12-23
My second visit to this outlet at Sg Besi Branch. Another one located at Seputeh. The Sg Besi outlet here food taste better to me, same menu but taste slightly difference. I love the Steamed Salted Chicken very much as the texture of chicken meat chewy, they claimed is Kampung Chicken (马来鸡). Price for small RM25 worth to try it. The Gei Chi contributed a sweet taste to the broth , plenty of ginger slices and Chinese wine(花雕) giving nice aroma. Very appetizing, you can just have this dish with more then a bowl of white rice. Another dish that i would like to recommend is Homemade Tofu. Never find this menu at others restorant quite unique way to cook it, with minced meat and plenty of long bean dices and choy poh dices.Not too salty just at the right taste. Tofu smooth inside and crispy outer. the gravy taste good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-25
我还以为这样的螃蟹饭米饭也不怎么吸收到螃蟹的味道,可能平时都被骗的关系,点到的蟹饭都没有螃蟹的鲜味。这个的却让我改观了,米粒的味道非常香,而且螃蟹的鲜味都渗透进去米粒里面。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-12
really enjoyable night with my family came here to restoran siu siu for dinner and herle serving in big portion and famous of the big crab. the crab price is from RM 60 onwards qutie pricey but large big crab and delicious. My mum like softness of the yam nest too , sand the crab not to mention is finger lickin good. Together with the variety of seafood available here too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-03
这个飯店叫做小小飯店, 是位于Jalan Sungai Besi 马路旁边, 这里有很多停车位。最好是早来, 晚了就有很多人这里用餐。我喜欢这里的蜜汁叉燒。它是以祖傳秘方“燒”出來的的蜜汁叉燒,讓人垂涎欲滴。有不少顧客打包回家慢慢享用呢。价钱15令吉起。这里上菜很快。服务也不错。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)