Teochew Style Stir-fried Stingray Recipe 潮州式炒魔鬼鱼食谱

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Teochew Style Stir-fried Stingray Recipe  潮州式炒魔鬼鱼食谱
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Used to eat portugese style of stingray? Try this Teochew style instead! Refreshingly amazing with this cooking style!

妈呀!潮州式炒魔鬼鱼太好吃了! 鲜甜的鱼肉加入咸菜后大火翻炒和焖煮,味道更甚。
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Ingredient and Portion
300g stingray fish / 魔鬼鱼(蒲鱼)300克
200g salted mustard / 咸菜200克
1 red chilli (optional) / 红辣椒1条(选择性)
1 small piece ginger / 姜 1小块
100ml water / 清水 100毫升

Seasonings / 调味料
1/2 tsp dark soy sauce / 老抽 1/2茶匙
Preparation /准备工作:
1. Scrap off scales from stingray, cut into small pieces.

2. Soak salted mustard in water for 30 minutes, drain and cut into shreds. Cut chilli and ginger into shreds.

Method / 做法:
1. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in wok, sauté ginger and red chilli until fragrant.

2. Add in fish, salted mustard and dark soy sauce, stir-fry for 5 minutes.

3. Pour in water and mix well, simmer over medium heat for another 5 minutes. Serve.
倒入清水拌匀,用中火继续焖5分钟, 盛出即可。
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