Pan-Fried Tomato Stuffed with Minced Pork Recipe 香煎肉酿番茄食谱

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Pan-Fried Tomato Stuffed with Minced Pork Recipe  香煎肉酿番茄食谱
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Minced pork and stuffed into a tomato? Pan-Fried tomato stuffed with minced pork recipe, its taste of sweet and sour can help to boost your appetite too!

一头猪,从头到尾系列 —— 香煎肉酿番茄

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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients A / 材料A
150g minced pork /肉碎 150克
80g de-shelled prawn, smashed with a knife / 虾仁(用刀拍烂) 80克
7 (about 20g each) medium size tomatoes / 中型番茄 7粒(每粒约20克)

Ingredients B / 材料B
3 water chestnuts, peeled, chopped and squeezed dry / 马蹄(去皮,剁碎,挤干水分)3粒
1/2 tbsp diced spring onion / 葱粒 1/2 汤匙
2 pcs crab stick, chopped / 蟹柳(切碎) 2条

Seasonings / 调味料
1 tsp black pepper seasoned salt / 黑椒风味盐 1茶匙
1/2 tsp chicken stock powder / 鸡精粉 1/2 茶匙
1/4 tsp salt / 盐 1/4 茶匙

Sauce / 汁料
1 tbsp light soy sauce / 生抽 1汤匙
1/2 tbsp sugar / 糖 1/2 汤匙
1/4 tsp salt / 盐 1/4 茶匙
A little pepper / 胡椒粉 少许
1/2 tbsp LP sauce / LP酱 1/2 汤匙
200ml water / 水 200毫升
1. Add Seasonings into minced pork and prawn, stir until the mixture turns into a sticky paste. Add in Ingredients B, mix well and divide the filling into 7 portions.

2. Cut off the upper part of tomatoes. Using a small knife to remove the seeds and pulps. Wipe the inner part of the tomatoes until thoroughly dry before stuffing in one portion of filling. Wet your hand and smoothen the surface of filling. Repeat the steps until all tomatoes and filling are used up.

3. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan, place in the stuffed tomatoes (with the cut side facing downwards) and pan-fry them over medium heat for 5 minutes.

4. Pour in Sauce, cover with lid and pan-fry over low heat for 15 minutes. Transfer the tomatoes to a serving plate and drizzle the sauce over.
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