One Mushroom Two Flavors Recipe 一菇两味名利双收食谱

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One Mushroom Two Flavors Recipe 一菇两味名利双收食谱
From Feminine 风采 Submit
Mushrooms that serves 2 flavours? Wow! This recipe proves it works. Delicious and a must try!

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One Mushroom Two Flavors Recipe 一菇两味名利双收食谱
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Ingredient and Portion
Crispy mushroom Ingredients / 酥脆杏鲍菇材料
100g drumstick mushroom / 杏鲍菇 100克
1 tbsp soy sauce / 生抽 1汤匙
dash of 5 spices powder / 五香粉 少许

Batter:mixes all / 炸脆浆:拌匀
1 1/2tsp baking powder / 发粉 1 1/2茶匙
130g plain flour / 面粉 130克
10g rice flour / 粘米粉 10克
10g wheat starch / 汀面粉 10克
1 tsp custard powder / 蛋黄粉 1茶匙
dash of salt / 盐 少许
some water / 水 适量
1 tbsp oil / 油 1汤匙

Stir-fried Mushroom Ingredients / 百合炒杏菇材料
50g fresh Lily pulps / 百合 50克

30g each of green & red capsicum / 青、红甜椒 各30克
100g drumstick mushroom / 杏鲍菇 100克
2 fresh mushroom (Thick slices) / 鲜菇 2朵(切厚片)

1 tsp chopped ginger / 姜茸 1茶匙
3 tbsp cookingoil / 油 3汤匙
Seasoning:mixes all / 调味料:拌匀
1 1/2 tbsp water / 水 1 1/2汤匙
1 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce / 素蚝油 1茶匙
1/2 tsp sugar / 糖 1/2茶匙
1/8 tsp salt / 盐 1/8茶匙
1 tsp concentrate vegetarian stock / 斋汤 1茶匙
Crispy mushroom Method / 酥脆杏鲍菇做法
1. Tear drumstick mushroom into strips and marinate with soy sauce and 5 spices powder for 15 minutes; and then coat with batter and deep fry in hot oil until crispy.

Stir-fried Mushroom Method / 百合炒杏菇做法
1. Sauté ingredients C until fragrant add in ingredients B and stir-fry briskly; toss in seasoning and Lily pulps; and then thicken lightly with starch, dish out.
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