Grilled Eggplant and Scallops 烤茄子和扇贝

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Grilled Eggplant and Scallops 烤茄子和扇贝
From Kelly Siew Submit
A Grilled Eggplant and Scallops Recipe from Cambodia.
柬埔寨的美食, 烤茄子和扇贝。
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Ingredient and Portion
200g Large Scallops / 200克 大扇贝
1 Clove of Garlic, minced / 1粒 蒜米,切碎
1 teaspoon of Liquid Aminos (or Soy sauce) / 1茶匙 酱油
Dash of Black Pepper / 少许 黑胡椒粉
2 Tablespoons Olive oil / 2汤匙 橄榄油
3 Stalks Spring Onion, chopped / 3根 青葱, 切段
1 Asian Eggplant, cut an inch thick / 1 亚洲茄子, 切厚条
1. In a large bowl, marinated scallop with garlic, soy sauce, salt and black pepper, set a side.

2. Pre-heat a small sauce pan, add oil and green onion, saute’ green onion till it soften, remove from heat, set a side.

3. Pre-heat grill on medium temperature, put eggplant on hot grill, cook for 5 minutes on each side or till tender.

4. Grilled scallop and onion till both sides golden brown.

5. When done, arranges grilled scallop and eggplant on a serving plate, pour onion oil on top and serve immediately with a sweet fish sauce dipping.
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