Golden Lily Ham Rolls Recipe 金针火腿卷食谱

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Golden Lily Ham Rolls Recipe 金针火腿卷食谱
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Shimeji mushroom and vegetarian mock ham gives you the satisfaction just like eating a piece of meat but without the guilt! Here's golden lily ham rolls recipe, healthy lifestyle start now!
吃起来想一般的火腿 ,其实这是一道素食炒金针火腿卷食谱。可以代替肉类和做主菜,同时也可以吃的健康。
Ingredient and Portion
10 nos dried lily / 10条花花菜/金针花
10 pieces vegetarian ham / 10片素火腿
50g carrot (striped) / 50克红萝卜(切条)
1 piece (about 50g) celery (striped)/ 1片(约50克)西芹(切条)
10 nos fresh white Shimeji mushroom / 10朵白玉菇
some broccoli (cut into pieces, blanched) / 适量西兰花(切块,烫熟)
1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce / 1大匙素蚝油
1 tbsp light soy sauce / 1大匙酱油
1/4 tsp pepper / 1/4小匙胡椒粉
1/4 tsp sesame oil / 1/4小匙麻油
1 tsp mushroom stock powder / 1小匙香菇精
1 tsp corn flour 1/2 bowl / 1小匙粟粉
(125ml) water / 1/2碗(125毫升)清水
1.Soak dried lily in water until soft, blanch it in boiling water, dish up, rinse and squeezed.
金针花用清水泡软,盛起。用沸水汆烫一 会(焯水),捞起,用清水冲洗一下,挤干水份。

2. Spread a piece of vegetarian ham onto working table, top with carrot, celery and mushroom. Roll up and tight with lily, set aside.
将每片火腿卷上红萝卜、西芹和白玉菇各 一条,用金针花扎紧,备用。

3. Preheated a sauce pan with some cooking oil, shallow-fry ham rolls over low heat until aromatic. Dish out.
平底镬里烧热少许食油,排入火腿卷以慢 火煎香,盛碟。

4. Combine sauce ingredients, cook in a sauce pan, bring to boil. Spoon onto ham rolls. Garnish with broccoli, serve at once.
把汁料拌匀,煮沸后淋在火腿卷上。以西 兰花装饰,即可上桌。
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