"Fu Zhou" Style Eggplant with Basil Leaf Recipe 福州茄子食谱

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"Fu Zhou" Style Eggplant with Basil Leaf Recipe 福州茄子食谱
Eggplants are soft and good for everyone. Cook them in Fu Zhou style and enjoy its taste and softness too!

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Ingredient and Portion
500g eggplants/ long aubergines / 茄子 500克
30g dried Anchovy / 江鱼仔 30克
4 bird's eye chilies (diced) / 朝天椒 4条(切粒)
20g basil leaves (leaves only) / 九层塔 20克(取叶)
1 tsp chopped garlic / 蒜茸 1小匙
50ml water / 清水 50毫升
1 tbsp light soy sauce / 酱油 1大匙
(1) Rinse the eggplants and cut into triangular pieces, drain well. Parboil in the hot oil, dish out and drain well.
将茄子洗净后切角,沥除水份, 用热油汆泡一会(拉油),捞起,沥油。

(2) Leave 1 tbsp oil in the hot wok, sauté dried Anchovy and chopped garlic until fragrant. Add in eggplants and bird's eye chilies, toss well. Lastly, add in water, seasoning and basil leaves, stirring constantly over high heat until well combined. Remove from heat, serve at once.
镬里留1大匙热油,爆香江鱼仔和 蒜茸,加入茄子和朝天椒略炒一 下,最后加入清水、调味料及九 层塔,以大火快速兜炒片刻,即 可上桌。
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