Focaccias Recipe 意式香烤面包食谱

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Focaccias Recipe  意式香烤面包食谱
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Are you a bread lover? It can be so good as a daily food be it with soups or as sandwich! Fluffy and fragrant, let's learn this focaccias recipe out!

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Focaccias Recipe  意式香烤面包食谱
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Ingredient and Portion
(for 6 small focaccias / 可制成六小份面包)

500g + 5 tablespoons wheat flour(white bread flour) / 面粉 500克+5汤匙
300ml lukewarm water / 温水 300ml
1 glass dry white wine / 干白葡萄酒 1杯
2 teaspoons fine salt / 细盐 2茶匙
1 teaspoon sugar / 糖 1茶匙
42g fresh yeast / 酵母 42克
60ml olive oil / 橄榄油 60ml
3teaspoons herbes de Provence / 普罗旺斯香草 3茶匙
2 teaspoons dried rosemary / 干迷迭香 2茶匙
Coarse salt / 粗盐 适量
1. Put the flour into the bowl. Fit the stainless steel bowl, kneader and lid. Mix the yeast in the lukewarm water and pour it into the bowl. Run the appliance for a few minutes on speed 1.
先准备一个搅拌器,把面粉倒进不锈钢碗里,接着把酵母混合温水,然后倒入碗里以speed 1来进行搅拌;

2. Cover with a clean tea tower and leave to rest for around two hours. Next, pour the white wine and oil onto the dough.

3. Sprinkle with salt, add two teaspoons of herbes de Provence and rosemary. Knead on speed 1 and 2, adding five tablespoons of flour, until obtain a smooth, soft dough. Cover again and leave to rise for between two and four hours.
撒点盐,加入2茶匙的普罗旺斯香草和迷迭香,再以speed 1 或 speed 2搅拌,之后再加5汤匙的面粉,继续搅拌至软绵的面团成型。用湿布再盖起来发酵2至4个小时;

4. Oil a baking sheet, divide the dough into three rolls or six little round or long rolls, and roll out on floured surface. Jab your fingers into the dough to create hollows and bumps.
在烤盘底部抹点油,另外在撒了面粉的工作台上把面团分成 3或6粒(或条状),然后压平及放在烤盘,接着用手指在面团表面戳出坑洞;
5. Blend one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of water and brush the dough with this mixture. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of herbs de Provence and coarse salte.

6. Cook in a hot oven (225 °C) for at least 25 minutes. Allow to cool before serving.

Recommended for this recipe can be Tefal product.
此食谱推荐使用Tefal 产品。
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