Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon Recipe 鲑鱼班尼迪克蛋食谱

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Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon Recipe 鲑鱼班尼迪克蛋食谱
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Salmon, a delicate fish with wonderful taste and nutritious. Let's try this eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon. A strong creamy taste of Eggs Benedict will definitely enhance the taste.

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Ingredient and Portion
1 English muffin / 马芬面包 1粒
Some smoked salmon / 烟熏鲑鱼(三文鱼)少许
1/4 avocado / 牛油果 1/4 粒
2 eggs / 蛋 2颗
Some water / 水 适量
Some white vinegar and salt / 白醋、盐 少许
2 tbsp Hollandaise sauce / 荷兰酱 2汤匙

Hollandaise Sauce Ingredients
150g cooking cream / 奶油 150克
2 tbsp lemon juice / 柠檬汁2汤匙
3 egg yolks / 蛋黄 3颗
1 tbsp white vinegar / white wine vinegar / 白酒醋 / 白醋 1汤匙
Some black pepper and salt / 黑胡椒、盐 适量

1.Crack eggs into small bowls.

2.Cut smoked salmon and avocado into slices.

3.Slice English muffin into halves.

Method of Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon Recipe
1. Boil half a pot of water, add some salt and white vinegar when water starts to simmer.

2. Stir water in one direction using a spoon, to create a whirlpool.

3. Gently place egg at the side of the whirlpool and cook for about 3-4 minutes, until the egg white starts to solidify.

4. Toast or grill muffin until both sides are slightly crispy. Arrange a few slices of smoked salmon on top, followed by avocado slices and poached eggs. Lastly, top with 1 tbsp of Hollandaise sauce.

Method of Hollandaise Sauce
1. Warm cooking cream either by double boiling or heating over low heat. Remove grease from the surface of melted cream. Filter and set aside.

2. In a bowl, whisk 3 egg yolks lightly. Add lemon juice, white vinegar or white wine vinegar, some black pepper and salt. Double boil the mixture.在碗里放入3颗蛋黄,轻轻拌匀。加入柠檬汁、白醋、适量的盐及黑胡椒,以隔水加热的方式加热。

3. Stir egg yolks constantly while adding strained cream, whisk until thickened. Add some lemon or salt water if sauce is too thick.一面搅拌蛋黄,一面慢慢加入澄清奶油,以打发的动作搅拌至勾芡状即可(切记不要过度浓稠, 如果太过浓密可以加一点点盐水或柠檬汁)。

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