Pan Grilled Fish Fillet and Scallop Recipe 香煎带子鱼柳食谱

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Pan Grilled Fish Fillet and Scallop Recipe 香煎带子鱼柳食谱
Having a succulent scallop is not enough to satisfy your appetite? Well, a crispy grilled fish fillet will definitely appeal to you! Let's have seafood dinner today!

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Pan Grilled Fish Fillet and Scallop
Pan Grilled Fish Fillet and Scallop
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Ingredient and Portion
Ingredients / 材料
1 fish fillet / 鱼柳 1份
3 pcs fresh scallops / 带子 3粒
30g each of carrot / 萝卜(切丝)30克
10g red capsicum (all juliennes) / 红椒(切丝)10克
30g mushroom(sliced) / 蘑菇(切片)30克
30g peas sprout / 豆苗 30克

Mashed Potato Ingredients / 马铃薯泥材料
100g potato (cooked) / 马铃薯泥 100克
2 tbsp fresh cream / 鲜奶油 2汤匙
10g butter / 牛油 10克
salt and pepper to taste / 盐及胡椒粉 适量

Sauce ingredients / 酱汁材料
Some chive (chopped) / 细葱茸(Chive) 少许
1⁄2 cup fresh cream / 鲜奶油 1/2 杯
salt,sugar & black pepper to taste / 盐、糖、粗磨黑胡椒粉 适量

Seasonings for vege / 蔬菜调味料
sugar, salt, black pepper, butter and sweet paprika powder / 糖、盐、黑胡椒粉、牛油及甜椒粉 适量
1.Marinate fish fillet and scallops with dash of paprika powder, salt and pepper.

2.Sear fish fillet and scallops with some butter in pan for 5 minutes.

3.Sauté carrot, red capsicum, mushroom, pea sprouts with dash of butter and seasoning until cooked.

4.To make mash potato: Mix all ingredients till smooth and arrange on serving plate.

5.To prepare sauce: Boil fresh cream, add in seasoning,lastly add in chive and pour over dish.
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