Thai Style Vegetarian Stir-fried Stink Beans Recipe 泰式素臭豆食谱

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Thai Style Vegetarian Stir-fried Stink Beans Recipe   泰式素臭豆食谱
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Hands up for petai! Do you know Petai is good for our body? Learn this Thai style vegetarian stir-fried stink beans recipe up! Yummy!

妈呀!泰式素臭豆太好吃了! 臭豆味道虽重,但添加了西芹、辣椒和酸柑汁等食材一起翻炒过后,挑逗味蕾的美味料理就完成了。
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Ingredient and Portion
200g Petai/stink bean / 臭豆 200克
1 stalk celery / 西芹 1支
3 pieces fresh baby corn / 鲜玉米笋 3条
1 red chilli / 红辣椒 1条
100ml water / 清水 100毫升

Seasonings /调味料:
1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce / 素蚝油 1汤匙
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce / 生抽 1/2汤匙
1/2 tsp salt / 盐 1/2茶匙
1 tbsp lime juice / 酸柑汁 1汤匙
Preparation / 准备工作:
Cut celery and baby corns into slices. Cut red chilli into shreds.

Method / 做法:
1. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in a wok, add in Petai, celery and baby corns, stir-fry for about 5 minutes.

2. Add Seasonings to the wok, cook for another 2 minutes.

3. Pour in water and bring to boil before turning off the heat. Sprinkle shredded red chillies over and serve.
倒入清水煮至滚。熄火,撒上红辣椒, 盛出即可。
This dish is for vegetarian. If you are not a vegetarian, add shelled prawns to the dish and replace vegetarian oyster sauce with ordinary oyster sauce.
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