Assam Laksa Recipe亚参叻沙食谱

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Assam Laksa Recipe亚参叻沙食谱
Home-cooking Assam laksa is always the best!

还是自己煮的Assam Laksa比较好吃。
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Ingredient and Portion
Soup 汤头 :
Anchovies paste / 江鱼仔酱 1kg
Anchovies / 江鱼仔 200g

Small Onion / 葱头仔 200g
Spring Onion / 大葱 100g
2 Lemon Grass / 香茅 2枝
Belacan / 马来栈 150g
Chilli Paste / 辣椒糊 300g
1 Ginger Flower / 姜花 1颗
Dried Sea Shrimp / 虾米 10g
(Mince it all 全部材料搅碎)

4-5 Dried Tamarind Slices (Asam Keping) / 阿三片 4-5片
Kesum Leaves / 金风叶 200g
1 can of Sardine / 沙丁鱼 1大罐
8 Tomatoes / 番茄 8粒 (Cut into 2 / 切成2片)
1 1/2 Ginger Flower / 姜花 1颗半 (Cut into 2 / 切成2片)
1 Lemon Grass / 香茅 1枝
Asam Paste / 阿三膏 150g
( Mix well the Asam paste with water 阿三膏及水搅拌均匀)

2 tbs Sugar / 糖
4 tbs / 盐

面 Noodle :
1 pack of Thick Rice Noodles / 濑粉
Water / 水

Garnishing 配料 :
Lettuce / 生菜
Onion / 洋葱
Pineapple / 黄梨
Cucumber / 黄瓜
Chilli Pepper / 红辣椒
Ginger Flower / 姜花
Mint Leaves / 薄荷叶
(Shredded it all 全部切丝)

Sweetened Prawn Paste 虾膏 1汤匙
(Diluted with laksa soup 用汤和虾膏搅拌均匀)
Laksa Soup / 叻沙汤头

1. Rinse well the anchovies and put it into a soup bag with anchovies paste. After water boiled and put the soup bag.

2. Until boil, put the (B) and (C) into the soup. Cook for around 3-4 mins then add in (D) to taste. Reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours.
汤头煮滚,把材料 B 及 材料 C 加入汤头,滚一下,加入材料 D,慢火滚至汤变浓(2 - 3个小时)。

3. Remove the kesum leaves, tomatoes and lemongrass.(You can choose to put these 3 ingredients into a soup bag before cook)

Noodles / 面

1. Rinse well the noodles, drain it.

2. Brings some water to boil, and add in noodles.

3. Rinse the cooked noodles in cold water and strain, add some cold water again, set aside for 20 mins, then drain it.

Finish / 完成

1. Place one serving of noodles into a bowl, pour hot laksa soup over the top, serve with garnishing and a spoonful of shrimp paste if you like.
将适量的濑粉放在碗中,淋下热乎乎的拉沙汤,再将拉沙汤倒回锅,然后再一次淋上拉沙汤,可随意放入喜欢的蔬菜及虾膏。(大约 18 碗)

Source : sowkeng
1. If you prefer it to be spicy, add more chilli paste. If prefer sour then add more asam paste.

2. If you prefer eat the fish meat, don't cut the fish into too small size.
1 recommended
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