OpenRicer Chart
Past 30 days
Ranking based on the quality of reviews in past 30 days, including the quality and quantity factors of the photos and popularity of the reviews.
OpenRicer Headlines
Gender Ratio (Recently joined in 30 days)
96 OpenRicer(s)
29 OpenRicer(s)
Gender Ratio (English Cuisine Foodie)
10 OpenRicer(s)
14 OpenRicer(s)
Gender Ratio (Korean Cuisine Foodie)
1,354 OpenRicer(s)
685 OpenRicer(s)
Gender Ratio (Tandoori Cuisine Foodie)
4 OpenRicer(s)
9 OpenRicer(s)
Today is nuraziah.yusof.9's birthday
Today is adnan amin's birthday
Today is's birthday
Featured OpenRicer
A jovial lass who always loves exploring gastronomical spread the world has to ...
Featured OpenRicer
Just a girl who loves to cook and eat. smile
Featured OpenRicer
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