03-6142 4106
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Accepts reservations
Serves breakfast
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Ayam Pongteh Ayam Sioh Honey Crispy Sotong Pie Tee Sambal Udang Petai
Review (48)
Level4 2015-09-20
The Tranquerah had been a new discovery for my friends and I. It was unfortunate that we only found the place very much after lunch as there were many things on the menu which caught our eye. But we were too full from lunch and was only looking for a nibble - also wanted some nice desserts.Since this was a traditional nyonya style cuisine, the only choice we had were local kind of desserts which I was not that against honestly.Since the weather was blazing hot, we decided to try the Cendol and priced at Rm6.90 is a little steep for something where we can usually get for about Rm2 or Rm3. But I guess when you take the interior decor into account and their air conditioning then it's alright - plus it was a good portion size too although a little less on the actual cendol slithers. Another thing that caught my attention was their Gula Melaka Sago and it was the first thing that I wanted to try. It's oddly not too sweet but a little heavy on the santan and the sago were nicely chewy which is to my liking.Though after a few mouthful of this, I could no longer try anymore as the coconut cream was a little too cloying. Even if the combination did taste pretty good.Me being someone that needs something savoury to nibble on, ordered the Mango Kerabu salad priced at Rm18.00. This was disappointing especially considering the price - the portion was small and lacked any sort of sour or spicy kick that is usually associated with this salad. Something else that was a must try on the menu was their Pai Tee. It's a very cute snack that resembles a popiah, only it's shell is shaped like an overturned top hat. Tranquerah makes this very well as the filling is nicely seasoned ad has a good crunch to it on top of many different kinds of flavours. And priced at Rm1.50 each, it was pretty good of an offer.There's many other dishes on the menu that sounds very tradition peranakan which is something I have yet to have a chance to try. So we will definitely be back here to try all of those.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-03
The Cincaluk Platter consist of squid, prawn, and chicken marinated with cincaluk (made of fermented small shrimps or krill) and are deep fried until crispy brown. It was a dish that I think if those who couldn't take cincaluk may not like this dish even though it is a pretty safe (fried) food. Personally I find the platter is slightly too salty to my preference but that can be explain as cincaluk itself is heavy in flavor.One of the specialty dish here at Tranquerah would definitely its dish using Keluak as the ingredient. You can't get such dish elsewhere and Keluak lover should really come forward to try it out. It was however my first time trying out Keluak and I couldn't really taste the Keluak (or maybe I don't know what it taste like). The Stir Fried Sweet Potato is not spicy too according to my preference but the vegetable is very well cooked.One of Tranquerah signature dish would be Ayam Ponteh which has a thick aromatic gravy and rich in flavor. The chicken, potato, and mushroom is well cook and the chicken is moist and tender, the way a good chicken should be.The Tenggiri is also one of my favor dish that night. The fish was fried till perfection where the outer layer is crispy and crunch leaving the inner meat succulent. It is good all by itself but the sauces that come with it actually enhance the flavor of the dish to next level.Keluak Bendi is yet another dish that is made using Buah Keluak, a popular ingredient famous among the peranakan community. The reason why not many restaurant that uses this is because it required a lot of time and effort just to make the Keluak edible. The steam bendi is topped with specially made keluak sambal which again I didn't feel the presence of spiciness continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-05-30
Join the MakanVenture that day. It was a great dining experience as I get to learn more about Nyonya foods. Previously I only know Nyonya is very good in making kuih but today I even get to taste their staple foods.Restaurant's owner introduce us "buah keluak" and you can find some of their dishes in the menu are cook with it. Not only that, she explain to us the process to clean the buah till it can be use to make it into a dish. Impressed me was the ladies fingers with buah keluak. On top (buah keluak) of the ladies finger is black in color. Firstly, the combination of the colors really sharp, green and black. The texture of the buah keluak just like avocado. The chef make it taste abit salty, totally mix so well with the ladies fingers which are tasteless. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-28
Ikan Goreng Cili TenggiriAside from the meaty fare, we also get to try their fresh catch, Ikan Tenggiri, which is fried with chillies. To our utmost surprise, the topping of the generous chillies is very toothsome and none of them actually holds the spicy and hot attribute. For a person like me who can’t take chilli padi, this is definitely very good to go and most welcomed. It’s fragrant and full of minced shallots, that when eaten with the fried fish, is really awesome. I think the fish is just being plainly fried so that it retained its natural sweetness, and then paired with this tasty chilli topping. Slurps! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
这个.....也是用印尼黑果炒的,他们自己研制的菜式。和黑果秋葵一样,我啊!真的吃不出那个黑果的味道......没认真的慢嚼细嚼,真的很可惜!还是那句,毕竟花了很长一段时间处理过才能吃的,应该和河豚一样珍贵!!下次吧!下次再去品尝娘惹餐中著名的Ayam keluak!或者就能吃出印尼黑果的味道了..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)