03-7732 3188
Opening Hours
10:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Cash UnionPay
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Signature Dishes
Bailey's Guinness cake
Review (6)
Level4 2016-04-12
环境舒适。经过几次都没机会推门进来,这次和朋友聚会就选了这里。在脸书常看见这家的广告,那个 fried mozarella 还真的人人知晓。fried mozzarella 要趁热吃,其实 cheese 本身的味道不是很强,只是那cheese的嚼劲不错就是了。至于那青色的 pesto salmon, 个人不太喜欢 pesto 的味道,太过强烈,但是面条本身是爽口的,喜欢pesto 的人会觉得很浓郁吧?salmon 的味道被pesto盖过了。retromarcia cordon bleu 呢,个人觉得 fish 比 chicken 好吃。俩的卖相都一样,只是 fish 的口感比较爽口,鱼肉比较新鲜弹牙吧。如果是 chicken的话,鸡肉本身比较硬,吃多了会腻。apple caramel waffel, 喜欢甜点的人会觉得不错吧。不会过甜, waffle 本身香脆,趁热吃。(所有 waffle 都是趁热吃的吧)至于饮料嘛,french vanilla rose 有很香的玫瑰香气,但玫瑰香气止于鼻。rose cafe latte, 友人说,玫瑰在哪?可能味道不够浓郁吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
悠闲的周日午后,以一杯香浓咖啡点缀心情最适合不过。在白沙罗上城Uptown Damansara营业约一年的拉菲特咖啡馆Cafe Lafayette,名字听起来就像是一个艳丽无俦的意大利女郎踮起着脚尖,轻舞飞扬的感觉,让人很想靠近欣赏其优美的舞步。Caffè 。Tea。Cibo @ LAFAYETTE吃意大利餐,配上一杯适合的酒是最高享受,只是不大喝酒的咔咔丽娜只好以咖啡代酒。 先上桌的是Irish Cream,友善的侍应生告诉我们是一杯爱尔兰咖啡。他说先吮吸上层的忌廉一口,接着吸下层的咖啡一口,再把它们呷在口里后才喝下去,而且需要在5分钟内把这一杯咖啡喝完,然后还提醒我们不要搅拌。Vivirara笑说,其实他根本不必交代,因为他并没有给我们搅拌棒。痞子蔡的书迷,这一句对白是不是很熟悉?嘻嘻!但他忘了问需不需要加眼泪。爱尔兰咖啡,上层奶白色的忌廉被沾上了琥珀色的咖啡,咖啡渐渐地散开,仿佛正在长大的纯洁少女,却多了几分人生阅历。爱尔兰咖啡 Irish Cream RM10Barista虽然没有用爱尔兰咖啡专用的杯子,但眼前这杯色层分明的咖啡依然让我迫不及待的想去品尝它。入口先是绵密的忌廉,丝丝的甜味散发着幸福的味道。香滑的咖啡,微微的咖啡酸中和了咖啡原有的苦涩味,最适合不嗜苦咖啡的顾客饮用。热爱尔兰咖啡穿过冰鲜奶油变得温顺多了,呷在口内片刻,再缓缓地入喉。忌廉的甜味中和了酒的呛辣,使得咖啡更柔滑,缔造出独特的感官享受。 爱尔兰咖啡特别之处是您分不出到底是咖啡内有酒,抑或是酒内有咖啡。不同的Barista调配出来的爱尔兰咖啡,也诠释出不同的心情和意境。这一杯,让我感觉到两个热恋的情人,其中一位在吃醋了,怎么啦?接骨木花汁 Elderflower Juice RM9接骨木花汁,有个美丽的英文名字--Elderflower。这种在欧洲古時享有“万灵药”美誉的植物虽耳闻已久,但被做成冷饮还是第一次品尝。这杯冷饮是侍应生特别介绍给Vivirara的,他还强调说,95%的女生喝过后都会爱上它!真的假的啊? Vivirara虽说是90后,但是她对食物要求可不一般!要她爱上一杯冷饮可不容易呢!却只见她浅尝一口后,频频赞好!浓郁的香桃味、甘甜的荔枝味,还有一种独特的香甜温润。侍应生这时才告诉她,这是接骨木花特有的味道。用勺稍作搅拌后再喝,淡雅纯净的香气顿时弥漫整个口腔,加上软韧的果肉,一杯冷饮能让人喝得如此心醉神驰,难怪被冠上“女生最爱”之美誉。欧蕾咖啡 Big White RM9可爱的小猫咪一上桌,引起各个在桌的女生注意,它先看哪边好呢?左边?右边?Vivirara,请问您照相照完了吗?我累趴了。为什么点多一杯咖啡?爱尔兰咖啡5分钟内已经喝完了。欧蕾咖啡上的奶泡猫咪超萌的,结果秒杀大家很多细胞为它照相。Vivirara对于这杯加入大量奶泡的咖啡非常感兴趣,也让她很不舍得喝下它。细腻的泡沫沾在唇上,像小猫咪般不由自主地用舌尖舔舐,可爱的模样让人有种想捏她脸蛋的冲动。起初她以为这杯咖啡不会苦,结果奶泡被嗑完后,留下咖啡苦味在舌根上,嘻嘻!Well,光看这杯立体猫咪的萌样,大家初次见面的羞涩已经抛出门外了。玫瑰拿铁咖啡 Rose Cafe Latte RM11美丽的咖啡上桌,浓浓的咖啡香伴随着淡泊的玫瑰花香,彌漫空际。我轻轻地啜吸一口咖啡,然后用舌尖仔细地感受这第一口的滋味,那种美妙的滋味让人不经浮想联翩。仿佛久违重逢的情侣,经历了思念的煎熬,见面时给对方深情一吻,并紧紧地抱着对方,凝望着对方的脸庞,傻笑不语。那份直达内心最深处的甜蜜,俨然就是一道唯美的爱情风景。 醇厚的咖啡与芳香的玫瑰露,宛如爱情里的甜蜜与苦涩,经由奶泡包裹后入口,如同情人般互相依偎。两者激发出来的火花,形成一杯层次感佳的特殊咖啡。香醇回甘,余酿不绝,尤其是那芬芳的玫瑰香气,让心情如堕入爱河般,值得慢慢品味。玫瑰拿铁咖啡,适合情人对饮,若是一个人品味这浪漫富情调的咖啡,却是略显寂寞......玫瑰拿铁咖啡,为周日的午后咖啡划上完美的句号。Hanno un bel coffee time ♥依据自己的喜好选择饮料,咔咔丽娜の小建议如下:不嗜咖啡:Elderflower Juice慢慢品味:Rose Cafe Latte味觉刺激:Irish Cream游离早晨:Big White因为爱情:Rose Cafe Latte思念玄意:Irish Cream在Lafayette,不啻是一个愉快的咖啡时光,还有未知的信息等着您。给了我什么信息?见 这 里 。更多照片,请浏览:[灵北饮记]拉菲特的意浓咖啡相簿有兴趣到 ♥ Cafe Lafayette 拉菲特咖啡馆 ♥ 者:地址:75M, Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.电话:03 - 7732 3188营业时间:11am - 11pm 周一至周日地图:谷歌地图腹瘾客:拉菲特咖啡馆English:Anfieldyee食物价格:RM14.90 - RM27.90Wi-Fi:有付费方式:现金冷气:有吸烟区:无GPS座标:博文来源:http://kakalinawak.blogspot.my/2015/09/blog-post_10.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-12-13
由于在白沙罗一带上班,下班后的晚餐就自然会先想得到附近的DamansaraUptown 去解决。于是今天我就向友人推荐了 CafeLafayette。CafeLafayette 在 DamansaraUptown BoatNoodles 的隔壁, 在二楼, 不难找。我被当天 的人潮吓了一跳, 可见这咖啡厅的知名度还挺高的。 大约等了10 分钟服务员先招待我们到 CoffeeBarArea, 等到先到的顾客用完餐后,在给我们安排到那儿。我叫了Cappuccino 和 鸡扒, 朋友点了latte 和 Caborana。 一会儿服务员就为我们送上了咖啡。至于我们的晚餐。。。。一等就等了30分钟。。人太多了!!饿死我啦!!但是还好食物端上来的那一刻, 就气消啦。。Presentation 看起来和好,吃下去也很美味。Yummss 重要的是价钱也相当的便宜,值得啦!!还没去过的朋友,马上行动吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-11-25
A sunny Sunday and thinking of having my lunch with my bestie, Carmen. So we google and found this cafe called Cafe Lafayette. The name of the cafe is so unique and they serve western & Italian fusion food. Don't miss the cafe Lafayette signboard as the cafe is same row with Fat Spoon. Cafe Lafayette is nested on first floor.We order Caesar Salad (RM12) as appetizer. Caasar salad consists fresh lettuce, bacon strips, shredded carrot , tomatoes, capsicum and some Parmesan cheese sprinkled all over the salad. A healthy meal and the portion is big. Satisfied with the Caesar salad.Then we order Beef Carbonara (RM18.90). The texture of the spaghetti is soft and it taste nice when mix with the creamy carbonara and beef bacon. My friend and I cann't finish eating the carbonara as the portion is big .Crossaint N' Egg - Chicken Ham (RM18.90) . It looks normal crossaint but when you bite on it, you will fell in love with it tasty ingredient. It comes with healthy salad. Carmen order a cup of cappuccino while I order banana chocolate.After our satisfied lunch, both of us start syiok sendiri. Take turn "berposing". So drama lah both of us.Location : Cafe Lafayette75M, Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara UtamaPetaling Jaya, MalaysiaTel: 603 7732 3188Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lafayetteofqqInstagram: @Lafayette_CafeOpening hours: Daily 11am to 11pm continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-10-31
Raining slightly Sunday afternoon and gonna be evening soon , The girls suddenly crawling for Coffee and a cozy place to hangout , In my mind pop Cafe Lafayette since I wanna try it out long time ago and heard from my friend that their have the best signature brew coffee and Seeties Going on Buy 1 free 1 deal at Damansara Uptown . The most difficult thing to deal in Uptown is parking , Monday to sunday 365 days uptown is full with vehicle . atleast turn one big round if lucky to get parking , if not get to turn more than that .Cafe Lafayette is located on the first floor and few doors down from Frisson Coffee Bar beside is Fat Spoon . Cafe Lafayette was Run by Gang of friendly youngsters with blissfully shielded from hippie youngsters style cafe , their started the business early this year and running well till today .Cafe Lafayette Serving authentic Italian and western cuisine, It is a relatively comfy and cozy place to dine and unwind compared to the busy area . For those that you did, this is definitely not a place to missed out . Most sauce are in house made , the sauce is only freshly made upon order .Cafe LatteIced ChocolateSmoked Salmon SaladFried MozarellaCafe Lafayette @ Damansara Utama75M, First Floor, Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Uptown, Petaling JayaOpening hours: Wednesday-Monday, 10.30am-11pmhttp://eddyrushfatboy.blogspot.my/2015/10/cafe-lafayette-damansara-uptown.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)