018-591 8537
03-2719 8537
A celebrated restaurant in Kuala Lumpur's Chinese fine dining scene for two decades now, MICHELIN Selected Shanghai restaurant is evocative of its namesake region through its décor of modern Chinese glamour, paired with decadent Shanghainese dishes. Discover authentic Shanghainese cuisine and artistry, elevated with an exquisite selection of quality Chinese wines and teas. A refined dining experience awaits. continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Selected (2024)
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash Others
Other Info
Accepts reservations Details
Michelin Guide
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Braised Shanghainese Pork Fried Yam Cake Polo Bun Steamed Pork Rib Steamed Shanghainese Meat Dumplings Traditional Cheng Kong Homestyle Ham
Review (9)
我最近到馬來西亞,必吃地點之一就是上海蘇浙苑了。這家高級中菜廳擅長各種中式烹調,是當地受歡迎的食府之一。 首推當然是小籠包了,包裹著多汁的肉餡,擠個醬汁下去簡直口水四湧。皮薄餡靚,但裡頭的肉餡份量得給力,令我吃不停。賽螃蟹的味道也讓人回味無窮。東坡肉更是肉香四溢,簡直吃不停。除此之外,薑汁湯圓的清甜也讓我念念不忘。這些精緻美食製作都很用心,口感細膩入味。吃過就不想再吃別的飯店了,下次來定絕對再光臨上海蘇浙苑! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-20
The fresh prawns here is amazingly good. With the added chilly sauce with it, the prawns is just as perfect as it is. I love the sweet and soury sauce which is added to the prawns and the freshness of the prawns is a umph.Price: RM 18/ personIf you prefer to have Deep fried prawns with salted egg yolk and vegetable, the combination of it is just good as it is. Well breadcrumb, the prawns is crispy at the outside and juicy in the inside is sinfully good.Price: RM 18/ person continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-21
比起普通的小笼包,这里的翡翠小笼包又是另一风味。这里的小笼包不但汤汁很浓郁香甜,内馅也很结实,而且最令人赞叹的是那菠菜的外皮,比普通的外皮多了一份蔬菜的清香,也刚刚好中和的肉馅的肥腻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-08
After so many years in business, this place is still consistently churning out sumptuous Shanghainese delights. Traditional Cheng Kong homestyle ham. Tender and subtle in flavour. Boiled duck eggs. We'd have eaten this all night if not for cholesterol anxiety! Baked Royal Bridge fluffy dumplings stuffed with pork, chives and scallions. Steamed Shanghainese meat dumplings. The best in town? Maybe. Nu Er Hong Chinese wine. Too much of a good thing. A few glasses of this would have sufficed, instead of an entire bottle. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)