All Branches (6)
03-7722 1539
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Braised Homemade Bean Curd Braised Pig Intestine Iced Abalone Jelly Fish Salad Seaweed with Mini Shrimps
Review (42)
今天给大家介绍一家家喻户晓的餐厅--莆田。莆田被誉为新加坡第一中餐品牌,已经创立17年了,最近几年还进驻了中国,现在在中国,印尼,马来西亚,新加坡一共有50多家分店,对传统烹饪精髓的传承和对原味莆田菜的追求,更是获得了米其林一星餐厅的荣誉,在新加坡也是大大小小的奖项拿过好多,据说是福建人移民新加坡后,想念家乡美食而创办了这个餐厅。餐厅推荐的莆田菜,莆田10最,是每桌必点而且第一次来一定要尝的。百秒黄花鱼,号称来自中国大黄花鱼之乡福建宁德,以明火只用100秒的时间就闷熟一条鱼,其中并没有添加过多的调味剂,只是用盐腌渍,再加生姜等佐料,这种方法烹调能锁住鱼肉本身的鲜美,而只有100秒的时间竟然又能将各种配料融入鱼肉中,完全没有腥味,肉质滑嫩,入口即化,不过对于鱼本身来说,刺还是多了一些,所以吃的时候要小心。黄金荷叶包,喷香的葱香肉丝条加入炸制金黄的酥脆荷叶包,味道超级棒,就算单吃荷叶包都会忍不住多吃几个,再加上肉配在一起吃,更有中国汉堡的感觉,这道是绝对推荐一定要点的。扁肉汤,乍一看以为馄饨,其实并不同,扁肉的制作已经有百年历史,它的精髓就在于它的皮像纸一样薄,工序非常复杂。首先在选肉上,主厨专门选择了富含纤维的后腿的优质瘦肉,这样在手工制作中会产生弹性质地;第二是打,使用由荔枝树制成的特殊木制树桩和由龙眼木制成的木槌,主厨巧妙的将肉沿着静脉捣烂,以保持内部水分,每秒重复三次,慢慢将新鲜食物变成精致而有光泽的肉酱,一共需要捣烂12,000次,来获得比纸张更薄的皮;第三是擀,将晒干的红薯粉撒在肉糊上,用手轻轻捣碎,直到肉糊均匀揉捏,使用五个擀面杖,每个擀面杖有不同的长度,从而完善最后皮的质地,所以一共需要一个半小时的时间才能制作出一张3米长,7米宽的皮;第四是晒,将整个扁肉皮挂在竹竿上晒,这个过程也是很麻烦啊,万一有个风什么的就完了;最后就可以切成小片包啦,看看,上桌前需要那么多精心的步骤,这道扁肉汤是不是很值得一试!莆田卤面,餐厅自豪的称它为征服大马人味蕾的面,卖出超过30万碗!数小时文火慢炖,猪大骨与猪肉精华完全融化成浓白卤汁,再加上12种新鲜食材,汤浓料足,每一口面与汤都饱满精华。莆田荔枝肉,味道是菠萝古老肉的感觉,真的有大颗荔枝在,但是如果不喜欢这种水果和肉炒在一起的朋友就不用尝试了,因为本来我也满怀期待的点了这道10最,但是有点失望。这道不算莆田10最不过我也认为味道很好。海蜇一直是我的最爱,喜欢的童鞋一定要点喔。最后再顺便提一下莆田的年夜饭,因为是中餐厅自然全都会推出年夜饭啦,发几张照片有需要的童鞋可以定喔~~我也没试过所以不保证质量哈哈,因为去年吃了某餐厅的年夜饭,平时吃还是很好吃的,年夜饭由于人手不够,菜的质量下降了,服务质量也下降了,希望莆田不会~~~好啦今天就介绍到这里啦,下次盐小粒再介绍些吉隆坡美食和商场和亲子娱乐给大家啦~~拜拜~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-20
Pu Tien, a name of a Fujian province in China whereby the people of Putien is also referred to as Xing Hua. According to a fellow Xing Hua (commonly known as HengHwa) friend who has appeared in my blog several times, Putien in One Utama serves real authentic dishes from where he remembers eating them with his late grandmother. Juwin actually discovered this restaurant and highly recommend it so we all went ahead to try those food. The dishes are great and all to my liking. They are served as a variant of choices from vegetables, to meats and poultries, as well as some interesting starter and soups.The starters were really delicious. Instead of the usual braised peanuts either from can or not, they serve stir fried peanut sprinkled with a tiny bit of salt. The fragrant of stir cooked peanuts were great. I love eating those with nasi lemak but eating this with crispy seaweed was one amazing experience.Next is the XO jelly fish which isn’t cheap but not too pricy. At RM 8.90, you get something similar on the belts in Sushi King. I didn’t quite like the texture of this anyhow, so it doesn’t really matter much to me, although I did enjoy the fragrant of thick aroma of the sesame oil.Next is the Drunken Cockles which is awesome for those favourable with cockles. Please do not get carried away with the name “drunken” thinking that there would be thick alcohol in it. This somewhat tasted no different from the usual boiled cockles we normally order in Jalan Alor. Except they have more chopped garlic on top of those cockles, and that they are nicely opened to make eating real easy.Then there is the Lychee Pork, which tasted super similar to my favourite sweet savoury sweet and sour dishes. Add in some lychee to our regular sweet and sour pork, and ta da….you get a lychee pork. It is delicious as the sweet and sour balance each other real good. The meat was soft and easy to eat.And speaking of pork, I tried the Pork soup which has a bit of cauliflower and pork of course. The soup was clear and flavourful to my liking.The Spinach we ordered was great. Instead of chopped garlic or at least small pieces of garlic, this one deep fried garlic in cloves and then cooked into this dish with the leaves and century egg pieces. The garlic gave a good aroma and brings out the flavour of the sauce in this dish.As for dessert, there is nothing authentic about it but it was uniquely delicious. We had the Pumpkin with Ice Cream which tasted a little peculiar to me and the Passion fruit juice which any desert lover would love. It was really sweet with slight tanginess. The ice cream tasted a lot of coconut milk so for those with least liking to coconut milk, you might want to avoid this. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-05
Crispy Prawn Roll. Out of the few dishes that my family ordered, I get to choose one dish of my choice, so I chose this - Crispy Prawn Roll. I am always fancy about deep fried stuffs. Putien's Crispy Prawn Roll came in a big piece. The inner fillings were prawns and some minced meat, the prawns were a lot though and succulent. The batter was a bit too thick although it was crispy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-27
PUTIEN restaurant is a new icon of meal located in 1 Utama. It is a modest eatery specializing in Heng Hwa cuisine, offers an oasis of simple indulgences. The restaurant is well decorated and it is located at the Old Wing of 1 Utama just next to the Johnny Steamboat restaurant and the way the design of the restaurant is nice and plain. We had made our order there since we love venture new things.We also made an order of the Braised Homemade Beancurd which is nothing to shout out. The beancurd is soft and it is well braised.The sauce made a good match when served with riceTaste: 3/5Price: RM 7.90 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-17
Putien Restaurant的地点容易被发现,而且环境不错,是个聚会的好地方。menu里的餐点老少咸宜,食物也算健康。服务员周到的款待让人心情大好。Bamboo herbal prawns 是一道专用虾来熬制的汤。汤头咸甜而不腻。好喝! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)