010-221 0188
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
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Accepts reservations
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Salted Egg Crab Butter Milk Crab Seafood Fried Rice Honey Pork Rib Claypot Kang Kong Salted Fish Steamed Pork Belly
Review (5)
Ocean Seafood Restaurant 海洋海鲜餐厅 was not a new Seafood crawling Restaurant but well known by surrounding resident and also knowns by those not staying nearby , It was located in Bandar Puteri Puchong and started up the business from last year 2015 May and also still serving till now . Ocean Seafood Restaurant 海洋海鲜餐厅 is famous on their Mud Crab that filled massive of Roe and for sure for all the fresh seafood been Serve . This was a Halal Chinese seafood cuisine that serve live moving Mud crab . The shop is easy to spot on big half yellow half white signboard with big Wording on it . The restaurant Become rumors sensation on social media when they throw a craziest fair price on every seafood dishes at early this year , Brings the shop packed with costumers every day for dinner . The simple wall decoration by Bricks and Zinks a Pattern a side , Round wood tables with plastic chairs . air conditioner on the ceiling makes the environment situation more Comfortable while Enjoying the meal . Chinese New Year Gonna be soon Or later . By Celebrating Chinese New Year on 2017 , Ocean Seafood Restaurant 海洋海鲜餐厅 Offering Yusheng or yee sang in Chinese called 鱼生 , also known as lo hei in Cantonese called 撈起 or 捞起 that Different than others . They call it Seafood Yusheng 风生水起 that only for RM48.80 and only one size available . It a must to have as Prosperity Toss during the chinese new year Festival . The yusheng , served with Raw Salmon , jellyfish , Prawn , Baby Octopus , Clams , snail clam , chopped peanuts , toasted sesame seeds and other ingredients , laced with a sauce using Homemade plum sauce , rice vinegar and sesame oil . Chinese New Year is incomplete without having a satisfying reunion meal with your dearest family and friends . Below will be showing their all new dishes and some old dishes , I will try my best to translate the menu from chinese to english . Please Correct me if I'm wrong " wa salah ai gong " . Mongolian Prawn Ball Rice / 蒙古虾球饭Lunch Set : RM9.90 Cheese Chicken Rice / 起司鸡排饭Lunch Set : RM9.90 XO Seafood Noodle pot / XO 海鲜粉煲Lunch Set RM19.90 : One whole piece of Crab , Squid , Prawn and Clams Tom Yam Prawn / 冬炎虾 -RM 20- Soup Base Clams / 上汤啦啦 - RM 18- Double Taste Parrot Fish / 双味鹦鹉鱼 -RM 75- Thai Stlye Squid / 泰式苏东 - RM 15 - Vegetable Soup / 上汤芫菜 -RM 12- Yam Chicken Wing / 瑞士鸡翼佛钵 -RM 25- Milk Butter Crab / 奶皇螃蟹 Butter Spicy Crab / 香辣螃蟹 Fried bread / 炸馒头 -RM 6- Crispy Duck & Tender Chicken 鸡同鸭讲 -RM 55- Ocean Seafood Restaurant 海洋海鲜餐厅Address : 21, Jalan Puteri 2/3 ,Bandar Puteri,47100 , Puchong .Contact : 012-220 8898Hours : Daily 11.30AM - 3PM & 5.30PM - 10.30PM continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
海洋海鲜餐馆 Ocean Seafood 在蒲种一带可说是名字响当当的,每逢用餐时间都会有一大群人在餐馆外排队等位,周末就更加不用说了。到底是什么吸引了这么多人上门来?这里最大的卖点,就是每一盘海鲜只卖 RM15。是的,是海鲜,鱼虾蚌类一律只卖 RM15!所以嘛~这样的价格怎么会不让人欣喜若狂呢?我听闻海洋海鲜餐馆的大名许久,就因为担心人太多要等很久,而迟迟没有来试。在这里可以给各位一个小贴士,周末午餐时段的人潮不会太多,不想排队的话可以像我一样在这个时段前来。甘香啦啦 - RM15甘香的煮法做得不错,里面放了好多虾米,一整个就是重口味。上菜的时候啦啦的份量看起来好像很多,结果发现里头应该有一半是没有肉的空壳子。好吧~看在这一盘啦啦只是 RM15 的份上,我原谅它了。咸蛋虾 - RM15这一份咸蛋虾里面的中型虾子应该有大约15个吧~ 一点都不欺场,但是咸蛋没有下得很多,味道不够重,可是至少虾子是新鲜的。酸甜石斑 - RM15RM15 有一条石斑鱼还算不错吧!虽然鱼不算大,但是真的有超值的感觉。唯一要挑剔的是酸甜的煮法没有做得很好,酱汁的味道不够浓。上汤芫菜 - RM12上汤芫菜是今天我心目中做得最好的菜色。汤头非常的甜,不知道大厨是不是把蒸煮海鲜的时候流出来的精华通通放到汤里面了,好喝!湿奶油肉蟹 - RM117(RM90/kg)螃蟹的售价当然不是 RM15 一份,要不然店家可要亏大了。螃蟹的价格是随市价浮动的,我去的那天每公斤的肉蟹要价 RM90,比起其他地方来说算是便宜了。店家限定每一种煮法最少要两只螃蟹,我们选了大型 XXL 的肉蟹,两只已经是1.3公斤重。这么大的一只螃蟹,蟹肉非常饱满结实,肉质也很新鲜。如果真的要嫌的话,就是湿奶油的奶油味不够重也不够香,有点偏甜。下次或许可以试试店里的其他招牌煮法如咸蛋、辣子、甘香等等。我们五个人点了四份海鲜和一个菜,总共是RM183.50,因为点了螃蟹,所以账单贵了点。虽然如此,我觉得这里的海鲜还是物有所值的,也许有一些煮法没有很出色,但是 RM15 一份海鲜料理,还是很难让人轻易放过啊~By 阿七 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-09-06
If you are looking for cheap and big portion food in puchong, this restaurant will be great. Especially the super cheap and fresh seafood, only come with RM15 for a big portion n this including fresh crabs as well. Curry and their clams u cannot missed it as well as it is their signature as well. If you looking for more collagen intake, their sea cucumber with different type of cooking will not disappoint you and the price is only RM15!!!!!!! Suggest to come in early on weekend as they are always full house. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
为何我会说用平,靓,正来形容这家餐厅呢?- 这里的消费最低是RM6 - RM15。- 不管堂食/打包都没有GST / Government Tax。- 价钱虽然便宜,但是也没有因此偷工减料。在百货涨价之下,很多人都会埋怨。而且,通常开餐馆的业者都是最可怜。不算租金,水电费和工人们的薪水,仅是食材就令餐馆业者们头痛。1.) 若是他们不起价,就会增加负担。2.) 起价虽然就会引起顾客的不满。试问有多少人能体会他们的心情呢?所以说当老板,不一定赚钱,而且有苦自己知。可是这家店的老板却想薄利多销,让更多的食客能以便宜的价格享用食物。所以这家餐馆的食物算是便宜吧?老板难道不怕会亏吗?老板却有信心地说只要能保持食物的水准,生意就会陆续而来。好啦!正式为大家介绍下啦 :-)这家店顾名思义就是以海鲜为主,然后还有其他的选择。他们的海鲜包括:鱼,虾,螃蟹,干贝,螺和海参等等。每一样海鲜都只是卖RM15,豆腐就RM10,而蔬菜就从RM6 - RM12。简约地为大家介绍菜单。1.) 鱼类:石斑,燕尾斑,梅花斑和鹦鹉鱼。煮法:清蒸,潮式,生煲**,咖喱**2.) 蔬菜:芫菜,芥兰,蕹菜,四大天王, 油麦等等。煮法:清炒,上汤,鸳鸯3.) 豆腐:胜瓜豆腐,海鲜豆腐,干贝豆腐4.) 虾:鼓汁,奶皇**,奶油,上海煎,蒜香,绍酒,Asam**5.) 螃蟹:黄酒,香酥,椒盐,冬粉**,上汤,古法6.) 虾膏:甘香,咸蛋,宫保7.) 啦啦:黄酒,甘香,宫保8.) 多春鱼:酥炸,蒜香,干烧9.) 螺:宫保10.) 秋刀鱼:酥炸11.) 干贝:酥炸,芝士,沙律12.) 鸡:黑椒,妈密,千岛,洋葱13.) 海参:海鲜海参煲,翡翠鸭掌海参**14.) 苏冬:椒盐,咸蛋,Asam备注:-** 个人推荐。-菜单还会继续更改。不多说啦,马上去图....!!翡翠鸭掌海参一眼就看到盘中的东西是什么啦!有小白菜,冬菇,鸭掌和海参。外面应该不只RM15吧?咖喱鱼煲虽然说是咖喱,可是一点也不会辣,而且还很香浓又扯饭。生煲把鱼放在瓦煲,然后加上酱汁焗到熟为止。端上桌子时还能听见滋滋声,而且耐热哦! 咸蛋螃蟹哈哈,最适合吃咸蛋的食客了。Asam 虾综合了酸,甜,辣的味道,而且很开胃。奶油虾沙律干贝看似普通,可是可以当小吃。一边喝酒,一边吃。鸳鸯芥兰同一时间可以吃到两种煮法的芥兰。炸过了的芥兰吃起来很香又有点像紫菜,不喜欢吃菜的小孩可能会喜欢吃哟!上汤芫菜虽然说是上汤芫菜,来的时候不只是菜那么简单。还有皮蛋,枸杞,蛋花,干贝。四季飘香也许不多人会认识这道菜,其实它和四大天王没有差。差别就是这个是不辣而已哦!在这边用餐,其实可以很经济。比方说:1.)若2 人用餐,你可以吃最划算的咖喱鱼煲。因为它分量不小,而且它总合了鱼,菜,豆卜。咖喱鱼煲 @ RM15两杯凉茶 @ (RM2 x 2) = RM4两个饭 @ (RM1.50 x 2) = RM3一共RM22 ,一人才RM11而已。2.)如果你想请客,可是又怕钱包出血。这里的价钱一定合你意,吃的饱又不担心钱包出血。即使叫了10个人又叫了10样菜,卖单的时候RM200都不到呢!而且又有冷气吹,又有无限上网。是不是都值回票价呢?资料 :店名 : Ocean Seafood Restaurant 海洋海鲜餐厅消费 : RM6 - RM15 设施 : WIFI , 冷气,户外地址 : 21, Jalan Puteri 2/3, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong,Selangor (与大众银行同排)电话 : 012-220 8898 / 012-3815 703营业时间 : 11am - 3pm & 5pm - 10pm (全年无休)Facebook : Ocean Seafood Restaurant 海洋海鲜餐厅备注:-纯粹个人介绍,口味因人而异。-建议大家在weekday去哦!因为weekend还蛮多人的。-如果觉得这个post不错的话,不妨share给身边的朋友们吧!谢谢 :-) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前常经过他们店,时常都看到很多人在排队。而且又有朋友的介绍说这边东西不错吃,所以就趁机而来。果然名不虚传,虽然来到时也要排队。可是吃完过后都觉得值回票价了。这边的海鲜全部都是RM15,而且是nett.螃蟹也有做promotion。我们7个人来吃都不到RM150.全部价钱都有列出,所以不怕被人砍菜头。个人认为这样很好,做生意很老实。所以我们可以吃得安心。大力推荐生煲鱼和秋刀鱼。秋刀鱼很划算,这边3条才RM15. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)